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Chasing My Ex-wife Back (Hailey and Cole) novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34 

I know you are angry, babe, But please don’t let that stop you from seeing the obvious. I think the best thing you can do for your peace of mind is to talk things out with Cole. Let him really know how hurt you are and why you are officially denying hin the right to see those kids.” 

No. I don’t want to see him.” 

Okay, you don’t have to see him. You have his number. Call him and hear him out. Even if it is going to be a minute. I believe his side of the story is important


Hailey, please.” 

God, Debbie, I have never been humiliated in my life. I was basically shamed by those two hypocrites.” 

I can’t believe they have the nerve to come see you.” 

At this point, it doesn’t matter if Cole is in the right or wrong, one thing is certain and it is the fact that I want. nothing to do with him.” 

Hailey, please.” 

No, Debs. It is obvious that they don’t know about my kids. And I want it to remain that way. The police haven’t given a valid report about my accident. I cannot afford to put my twins at risk

I want nothing to do with Cole. I don’t know what I am going to tell Enzo and Ollie yet but I am sure I will come up with something” 

I’m so sorry all of this is happening, Hailey. Do you need me to come over?” 

No, no need.” 

You sure?” 

I know you are at work and I don’t want to disturb you. My life has been really messy lately and I hate to admit that this friendship is becoming more about me and my issues. I’m so sorry, I would do better.” 

Don’t talk that way, babes. You are not overburdening me with anything. You would do the same for me if I were to be in your shoes. I am so sorry all of this is happening to you.” 

It’s fine, I’ll be good. I will probably close from work early today if I can’t stand the trauma.” 

But you will still talk to Cole, right?Debbie said with a pleading voice

I have to go.” 

Hailes, please.” 

We will talk later, Debs. I have to go.” 

Chapter 34 

Once Cole ended the call with Jess, he texted his driver to get the car ready and that he would be down in a couple 

of minutes

Cole fled to the bathroom to clean up, then he took his time to select a casual outfit. He had no idea why he was excited about this but he really wanted to impress Haile 

He got dressed in no time, styled his hair, and exited his room

Cole helped himself into the car, gave his driver the address and they started their journey

Cole Matthis was glad that the lunch date was in Hailey’s company cafeteria. He had never been to ENROL Enterprise. He was excited to see the amazing piece of art the woman he loved most in the entire world built from 


After what felt like forever and a couple of excitement later. Cole’s driver pulled up before ENROL Enterprise. Cole couldn’t wait for his driver to come open up for him so he helped himself down and made his way towards the entrance where there was a hefty security guard

Cole Matthis. I have an appointment with Hailey.” 

I’m sorry, your appointment has been canceled. You can’t go in.” 

The smile on Cole’s face faded


Your appointment was canceled. I’m sorry I can’t let you in.” 

No, there must be a mistake somewhere. I’m Cole.Cole brought out his wallet from his pocket, showing the security his ID

An appointment for Cole Matthis has been canceled. Please take your leave, Sir.” Cole frowned, wondering what was going on

A thought crossed his mind if the text message he received was a prank. He reached for his phone in his pocket and went over the chat again. Cole couldn’t believe it was a prank because no one else knew about his twins.. 

An idea crossed his mind and he decided to dial the number the text message came from

No answer. He dialed again and still got no answer

I promise you, Hailey knows I’m coming. I don’t know why she is not answering her phone. Please can you let her know that I am here?Cole said in distress

Please take your leave, Sir.” 

Cole sighed. He was about to plead with the security man again when his phone rang. A part of him hoped it was Hailey calling back but instead, it was a strange number. He picked it up anyway

Hi, Am I speaking to Cole, please? The voice came through on the other end


Cool Im Debbie. Hailey’s best friend.” 

Chapter 34 

Good. Please can you tell her I’m down here? The security man wouldn’t allow me to come in 

I can’t believe Hailey still refused me despite how much I pleaded with her, Debbie mumbled

What do you mean?Cole sounded confused. Staring at other people making their way into the company while fie wasn’t allowed to go in.” 

Hailey wanted to see you to make peace but your girlfriend and motherinlaw ruined it.” 

Cole could feel his anger rising at the mention of that statement

I don’t have a girlfriend. But do you by any chance mean Vanessa and her evil mother?” 


Cole groaned, running his fingers through his hair furiously

She told Hailey she was pregnant with your child and you both would be married soon. She showed Hailey the result and told her to stay away from you. Hailey is really pissed and wants nothing to do with you.” 

That bitch!!!! I swear to you that she is lying. If Vanessa is really pregnant then I swear to you that it is not mine. She just wants to ruin me!” 

I’m so sorry that this is happening between you and Hailey. I really wanted you all to see today. If not for anything, for the sake of Enzo and Oliver 


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