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Chasing My Ex-wife Back (Hailey and Cole) novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43 

What did he say?Debbie asked the moment the call ended

He said he would be here in 5

Good. And I’m so sorry I raised my voice at you earlier. I just couldn’t believe you were starting to compromise. I mean, your son’s life is at risk here.” 

No that’s not it. Cole and I haven’t been on good terms. I felt it was disrespectful to dump this news on him out of the blue. And it’s late, I don’t know if he is sleeping or busy with work.” 

You need to stop overthinking. Cole wouldn’t think of you that way. I know you like things going a certain way, just like how you have mapped them out in your mind but I want you to know that sometimes things don’t go in the direction we want.” 

You have singlehandedly taken care of the boys for four years and I can testify that you have done a great job. But now that their father is in the picture, you need to give yourself some slack. You should learn to share your worries and burdens with him.” 

Not that. I just don’t know how to break the news to him. He has to be tested and there could be a surgery. I feel so useless knowing that I am not a match for Enzo. What if Cole isn’t a match too.” Hailey was almost crying all over again

This might be a lot of information on Cole but I don’t think he is going to blame you for anything. The last time you brought Enzo for a checkup, the doctor said he was fine and getting better. It is just unfortunate that we have to be here again.” 

And please stop worrying. I have a feeling that Cole would be a good match and if he isn’t. I am sure we will all figure it out. Enzo will be fine. I strongly believe.” 

I feel so sorry for my little boy. He is too young to go through this trauma.” Hailey sniffled, wiping tears off the corner of her eyes,” 

He’s strong. He will go through this okay?Debbie pulled her best friend into a warm hug

They pulled away from the hug and went back to their seats. Ollie had stopped crying but still looked sad and worried. Debbie made the little boy sit on her lap and cuddled him

The trio sat in silence, waiting for some sort of miracle to happen soon

Daddy!!!Ollie voiced out, getting everyone’s attention. He got down from Debbie’s lap and ran towards Cole who was still trying to locate them

Cole saw Oliver in time and crouched to the little boy’s height, hugging him tightly as though his life depended on it. They finally pulled away from the hug and Ollie started crying again

Enzo is sick, Daddy. Please save Enzo. I want my brother.Cole’s heart went out to his son. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped Ollie’s face

Please don’t cry. Your brother will be fine, okay?” 

He nodded


Cole use to his feet and picked Ollie up in his arms. Oliver instantly rested his head on his father’s hos his tits arms arosimi Cole’seck 

Cale approached Hailey who was already on her feet. Just like Ollie, she was in her pajamas Her hair was in 

bium and her fee was blotchy. Beside her was a lady who Cole guessed to be Debbie

Hi He said when he got to where they stood and before they could even start any conversation, the doctor proached in 

ky buck, ma’am?He directed at Hatley

Yes, Enzo’s father is here, I don’t know if he is going to be a match. Please give us some seconds. Hailey said to the Doctor, then turned to face Cole. She gestured for him to come with her so they took a few steps s away where they could talk in private

I found out about Enzo’s sickness when he was two. But then it was minor. We’ve been taking medications and all. At some point it got worse, Ollie and I were tested but we weren’t the perfect match for a bone marrow transplant. Suddenly, he was well again and it seemed like he wouldn’t be needing any surgery. But here we are now. They are going to carry out some tests to see if you are the perfect match for him and if you are. I don’t know if you would be willing to… 

It’s fine, you don’t have to be nervous about it. Enzo is my son. Of course, I would give my life for him if I have to 

Hailey had no idea why but she started sobbing all over again. Thank you.” 

You have nothing to thank me for. And please don’t cry. Enzo will be fine.” 

Hailey nodded, wiping tears off the corner of her eyes

Then they went back to where the Doctor stood. I’m ready to take the test.” 

Come here, Ollie.Hailey wanted to take him from Cole but the little boy declined, clinging tighter to his father’s neck

Is it okay for him to come with us?Cole asked the doctor who nodded. We just need to get your blood sample for now.” 

We will be right back, Cole said, then followed the Doctor

The resemblance is insane.” Debbie voiced out in shock the moment the men were out of sight

Yeah, sadly you carry them in you for 9 months and they end up looking like someone else.” 

Are you being jealous of Cole right now?” 

It hurts a bit but I think I would have to get used to it. I used to be the only one in their lives so I am used to getting all the love but Cole is here now. I think I have to learn how to share.” 

Debbie nodded. He seems calm

He is. I am grateful he is willing to do this. I really hope he is the perfect match. Cos I don’t know what I would

if he isn’t” 


Please stay calm. I have hope in this. Everything will be fine.” 


Chap 23 

I hope so 

In ten entavates, Coshe was back with Olives. They all sat on the couch in silence, with Dille sitting on his father’s ho They were waiting for the resuls but Hailey was dying of anxiety, thinking of what was going to happen if Cole’s WEST CABA I EVRTe our posutive. The last thing she wanted was to be at the merry of some extended family member 

Tester Carjor returned, holding a chart and they all rose to their feet in unison. Cole was still holding Oliver, trying to be strong for his little Family 

Great news. You are the perfect match and if you don’t mind, we would love to begin the transplant right away.” Dr 

Connor said 

Hailey burst into tears. This time around, it was tears of relief. Debbie smiled at the good news

Sure, no problemCole voiced out

Buddy Daddy needs to go, Cole said to Ollie who shook his head, hugging Cole tighter. I don’t want you to leave 


He is not leaving, Ollie. He wants to go save your brother. Your Daddy will be right back.” 

Ollie pulled away from the hug and stared into his father’s eyes I want to come too.” 

I don’t think that’s allowed, honey. But I will be right back and you, me, and Enzo will play together.” 


I promise, my love.” They exchanged a hug after which Cole gave Ollie to his mom

Thank you,Hailey said to him

Cole leaned closer to Hailey and kissed her forehead. Then he approached Debbie who stood beside Hailey. Please take care of them.” 

You have nothing to worry about.” 

Cole nodded

We can wait behind, right?Hailey asked the Doctor before they left

It could take about two hours or less and you won’t be allowed to see them immediately because they would be under strict monitoring. You all can go home to rest for the night. By the time you come in the morning, you will be able to see them.” 

Let’s go Mr Matthis.” 

Cole left with the door

I know your heart and mind is here but I think we should go home and come back in the morning.” 

If you stay back here, you would be here in the reception going crazy with different thoughts.Debbie said


I don’t think I would be able to sleep at home either Hailey answered

Ollie has to sleep and you know he won’t go to bed without seeing you. Besides, look at your outlit Halley stared sloven at herself and saw that she was in her pajamas set 

She sighed. You will get to have a proper bath and change into comfy clothes and we will bring some food when consing in the morning” 

“I knew you are worried about your boys, especially Enzo. But he will be fine. He adores Cole and I am sure Cole’s presence would calm him.” 

Hailey sighed. It’s fine, let’s go

The trio exited the hospital. Hailey drove her car and Debbie drove in her own car. They got to Hailey’s house int Thirty minutes

Oliver was still awake but was evidently fighting his sleep

I don’t want to sleep in my room. The little boy voiced out when Hailey was about to take him to his room

Enzo isn’t there. I miss him.” 

Hailey sighed and crouched to her son’s height. She kissed his forehead. It’s fine, baby. You can sleep in my room. She said then they all went to Hailey’s room

Mommy. Aunt Debbie. Will you pray with me?” 

Both adults looked confused, staring at Ollie

Elma says God listens to childrensprayers. She asked if I was ever worried. I should pray. I’m really worried about Enzo and Daddy. Please let’s pray.” 

Hailey stared in shock as her Son spoke. While a proud smile crept to Debbie’s lips. I’m really having a proud godmother moment.” 


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