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Chasing My Ex-wife Back (Hailey and Cole) novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44 

Why does your statement scare me so much? Hailey asked, staring at her best friend intently

Debbie shrugged. Because I am speaking the truth and sometimes it is hard to come to terms with the truth. Especially when you are so stronghearted.” 

You make me sound like a monster.” 

No. I just want you to open your heart more and be open to taking more 


Hailey shook her head. I doubt if my heart is capable of loving anything or anyone anymore.” 

I told you I was going to talk to Cole. That was even before this accident happened. I want him to be in the kidslife. But that’s all.” 

Debbie smiled a little. Well, that’s pretty sufficient. You gotta start from somewhere. Him being in the twinslife means he would be spending more time here and you would be seeing him often.” 

I know the beautiful memories and the feelings are going to crawl back.” 

Hailey shook her head. Don’t keep your hopes up. I am only doing this because of the kids.” 

I’m not worried, I promise. I just have a good strong feeling about it in my heart

If you would ask me, you all are the cutest little family I have ever seen.” 

Hailey rolled her eyes

Hey, sometimes try to see the bright side of things okay?” 

I am just in awe of how responsive Cole has been so far. I know I have pushed him to his limits but he still came through.” 

I don’t know but I was expecting him to somehow charge me to court for keeping his kids away from him. But he didn’t. That is why I was so reluctant to call him after everything. I had no idea he was going to respond so quickly

That is what a true parent does and I hope you see that you are not making a great mistake by letting him into your kidslives.” 

For any parent, the children should always come first regardless of whatever fight they’ve got with their partners. You didn’t even have to say too much for Cole to concede. He was more concerned about Enzo’s welfare.” 

And the way Ollie was all over him.Debbie smiled. It melts my heart so much.” 

Hailey sighed. I’m so worried about Cole and Enzo.” 

Debbie gave her best friend’s hand a light squeeze. I felt calm about the situation before we left the hospital. But I feel much calmer after praying with Ollie. Cole is amazing with what I have witnessed so far. I am sure Enzo will feel safe by his side.” 

I really hope so.” Hailey whispered, wiping tears from the corner of her eyes. It just sucks that Enzo has to go through all of these. I mean he is still so young.” 

14:34 Sat, 20 Apr 

Chapter 44 

I know how hard this must be for you as a mother. But there are certain situations that we have no control over. 1 believe this transplant would be the final cure he would need. There would be no more worries after this. I am just so grateful that Cole was able to make it on time.” 

Hailey sniffled, Me too.” 

You should get some sleep. We need to be up early, remember?” 

Hailey shook her head. I don’t know if I would be able to.” 

You want to take a shower? I’m sure it would help. And I can get you a drink if you want.” 

I honestly don’t feel like doing anything. I wish it was morning already. So we can be on our way to the hospital

You can go to bed if you want. I will be fine.” 

No, I would rather stay here with you.” 

What about tomorrow? You need to be at work.” 

No. I will call in that I have an emergency. I need to take care of you all.” 

Thank you.” Hailey started tearing up again

Stop that babe. You don’t need to thank me.” 

It’s just overwhelming. You are the only one who has always been there for me. I wonder how you never get tired 

of me.” 

Okay, I’m not a stranger and I’m not your friend. I am your sister and we’re gonna roll till the wheels fall off. Now give me a hug. Debbie moved closer to Hailey and pulled her into a warm, long, and comforting hug. You are one hell of a strong woman. I admire you every day. This is just a phase, we will go through this.Debbie whispered in 

her ear

Because her mind kept going to her Son and Cole, Hailey only had two hours of sleep. She was up by 6. She cleaned up and headed over to the kitchen to make breakfast

Debbie woke up in the process and went over to clean up. Once she was done, she woke Oliver and helped him get ready

Aunt Debbie, we are going to see Daddy and Enzo right?He asked Debbie who was still squatting before him. She just finished helping him put his shoes on.” 

She smiled seeing the excitement in his eyes. She leaned closer to him and caressed his cheek. Yes, baby.” 

You are happy about it. Aren’t you?” 

The little boy nodded. I like Daddy, I’m happy that he is here again. And I cannot wait to see Enzo

That’s cool. Let’s go have some food and we will be on our way to the hospital.” Ollie nodded, instantly holding onto Debbie’s hand. 


Chapter 44 

They got to the kitchen and Oliver ran off to Hailey 


Hailey picked him up in her arms and kissed him. How are you, my love? Did you sleep well?” 

The little boy nodded

When are we leaving, mommy?” 

Hailey knew her son was referring to the hospital so she answered him. Yes baby, we will leave once we are done. eating.” 

Hailey placed Oliver on the chair and went ahead to serve him some food

Do you think this is okay? I am used to only caring for kids and I don’t know what it’s like to care for an old man.Hailey said, referring to everything that she put in the food basket

A small smile crept to Debbie’s lips. Okay, who did the cooking when you guys lived together?” 

Hailey shrugged. We had a maid who took care of that. At some point, she was doing no cooking because Cole wasn’t home most of the time and I was okay with making my own meals.” 

I have no idea if I am doing the right thing taking food over there. I mean they might be discharged immediately and what if they are not?” 


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