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Chasing My Ex-wife Back (Hailey and Cole) novel Chapter 64

Hailey had no idea who that was and neither did she take time to look at the person's face but one thing was certain, the fact that She wasn't going to let anyone stop her from disciplining Vanessa for all the hurt Vanessa had inflicted on her.

Today was one of the days Hailey had no idea where she got her strength from. With all of her might, She released herself from the masculine arm and smashed the glass cup against Vanessa's forehead.

Vanessa cried out in pain as blood began to escape her forehead.

Hailey felt better seeing Vanessa that way and only then did she take a break.

"What the hell has come over you? What did my daughter do to you?" At this point, Connie was crying for her daughter. She sighted a handkerchief on the couch, reached for it, and ran towards Vanessa on the floor. The cut on her forehead wasn't so much so Connie placed the handkerchief on Vanessa's head, applying fire, to stop the bleeding.

Hailey finally looked back, at the face of the arm that held her earlier. It turned out to be her disowned father, Eric Summers, who looked very shocked where he stood.

Hailey glared at him.

"Why are you standing there, Eric? Do something! Call the Doctor. My daughter is dying. She's in so much pain."

"Oh, you call that dying? I might as well end her life myself?"

Hailey's eyes started scanning around for something to hit Vanessa with when Eric's voice stopped her. "What is it with you? What has come over you?!"

"Are you seriously asking me that question?" Hailey stared at her father in disgust.

"Vanessa is your sister. If she offended you, there are better ways to sort things out instead of being violent. Can't you see that she's pregnant?"

The situation was not funny but Hailey had no idea why she burst into a peak of satisfied laughter.

Hailey saw Eric stare in confusion at her outburst. She could also feel the glare that Connie was throwing at her.

"You are such a hypocrite father! Sometimes I wonder what my Mother saw in you that she abandoned her family just to come be with you. She must be so sad and full of regrets for you in her grave."

"Hey, do not talk to my husband that way! We all know that your mother was a pretentious gold digger!"

Hailey folded her arms and turned around to face Connie who was still kneeling beside Vanessa, pressing down the little piece of clothing against her forehead.

"That statement was for you. You've just perfectly described yourself! Leave my Mother's name out of your filthy mouth and don't you dare interfere when I am talking to your husband."

"Wow, so because you've got all the money in the world which you get by sleeping around with men, you think you can control us all. You are nothing for a brat!!"

"You all are so jealous of my success that you cook up silly stories. You know what? I am everything you think of me and even more."

"And just in case you have forgotten, I would gladly remind you that I run Summer Incorporation. That means the company, including this house, belongs to me. One more word from your filthy mouth and I swear that you all would be thrown out into the streets!"

Connie's eyes went wide, her mouth wide open.

"You wouldn't do that to us!" Eric voiced out.

"And what makes you think I make empty threats?"

Eric moved his lips to say something but words failed him. It was almost as though he was seeing another version of Hailey.

The Hailey he knew was quiet, easygoing, kind, and respectful. She hardly made a move if people hurt her. It was then it dawned on him that he, Connie, and Vanessa had pushed her to her limit to bring out this dreadful side of her.

"How dare you call Vanessa my sister? Where the hell were you all when she kept humiliating me and telling lies about me? You disowned me because of her remember? And you dare call her my sister? You all are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, especially you Eric Summers! You should be ashamed of your life and your entire existence."

"People like you all" she pointed at the three of them, "Don't deserve to spend an extra day on earth."

"This is not over!" Vanessa said in between sobs.

"Oh, what are you going to do?" Hailey turned away from Eric facing Vanessa. "Let me guess? You are going to lie against me to the police just like how you framed Cole?"

"I dare you to do that?"


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