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Chasing My Ex-wife Back (Hailey and Cole) novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74 

Why are mommy’s clothes all over the floor?Enzo’s voice came through

Hailey facepalmed under the duvet

That’s strange. Mommy forgot to put her clothes in the laundry basket.Ollie answered

Yeah,Enzo answered. Maybe Mommy was tired from playing with Daddy.” 

Cole let out a soft chuckle as he slowly withdrew his dick from Hailey

She playfully hit his chest, whispering. Nothing’s funny. We are both naked under this piece of clothing.” 

Cole smiled, Are you shy of me?” 

Oh, please, this isn’t about you,Hailey whisperedyelled. Those little monsters are very curious. They would start asking why we slept 

without clothes and wouldn’t leave us alone until we gave them believable answers.” 

But that is what parents do!Cole said, enjoying teasing her. It was refreshing to see her kind of nervous, being trapped under the duvet as though they committed some sort of crime

Hailey facepalmed. I only need to survive this phase and never am I allowing you to climb on top of me.” 

Oh really?He teased, making Hailey roll her eyes

Cole leaned closer to her boobs and placed a kiss on her nipple. Just hang in there, as though you are sleeping. I will take care of the boys.” 

Cole moved to the other side of the bed and instantly brought his head from the duvet

Enzo was almost picking up the clothes from the floor, about to help his mommy in clearing her room when his eyes flashed towards the bed

and saw Cole

A big smile crept to his lips. Daddy!” 

He ran as far as his tiny legs could carry him over to the bed and Ollie followed suit

Good morning, Daddy.” 

You spent the night with us, Daddy?Ollie and Enzo said respectively, grinning as they stood by the bedside, watching Cole. Cole smiled, sitting up shirtless, but covering his lower body with the duvet

He saw that his boys wanted to climb up the bed so he allowed them, but not before putting out a disclaimer. Mommy is tired and she needs her rest so you both will have to lower your voice okay?Cole whispered

Ollie and Enzo nodded after which Cole helped them climb up the bed. They sat closely beside him in their matching pjs. Hailey was on the 

other side of the bed, with her back turned against them

Did you sleep well?Cole kissed both their foreheads and they nodded in unison

I had a good dream too!Enzo smiled

Hailey facepalmed where she was. She could already guess what the dream was

Oh really? What was it about?Cole asked



There was a wedg 

Ole as late lots of obes 

Holley frowned where she laid 

A weddingCole said with amusement in his voice 

Whose nece 

He asked 

Enzo shrugged, trying not to sound confused because he was talking basest on what he could remember from his dream 

Om not sure about that but Ollie and I were putting on our tax, ite looked really good and Aunt Debbie said we were the most handsome 

ttle boys in the world. Ollie and I were happy in the dream because we had cakec 

Cole smiled at his Son. That is good to hear, baby. So you think you are going to 

Enco nodded and said in confidence. My dream does come true” 

tam happy you had fan in your dream” 

What about you, buddy? Cole asked Ollie

The little boy shrugged. I can’t remember anything. I think I slept like a baby” 

Cole chuckled. Indeed” 

What about you, Daddy? Did you have any dreams tooEnzo asked

Oh no, I was busy all through the night.” 

Hailey blushed, wishing she could kick Cole’s ass right now. Yeah, they hardly slept for long since they couldn’t keep their hands off each other but she didn’t think he would be telling their kids that 

Busy?Ollie asked with creased brows

Yes, my love. I was chasing the monsters away from your mom while she slept. I was awake to make sure your mom didn’t have a bad 


See, I told you Ollie, Mommy needs Daddy so Daddy would protect her and cuddle her.” 

Yeah, you are right. Thank you, Daddy,” 

What for?Cole said with a small smile playing on his lips

Sometimes, mommy cries herself to sleep. But I feel so happy that you are back and you will protect her.” 

Cole smiled at his kids, caressing Ollie’s cheek with the back of his fingers. You don’t need to thank me. My baby means the world to me 

Ollie frowned. Who is your baby, Daddy? I thought Enzo and I were the babies. Well, for now until baby Bella joins us.” 

Hailey brought her hand to her mouth, trying so hard not to laugh out loud

Yeah, you and Enzo are our babies. And your mom and I love you both so much. We wouldn’t trade you both for anything in the world” 

But your Mommy is my special baby. She’s the love of my life and the Queen of my heart” 



12:04 Thu, 4 Jul D D

Chapter 74 

Enzo giggled at Ollie. Daddy likes mommy very much.” 

Of course I do.” 

Ollie smiled. I like my family very much.” 

I love you all with all of my heart.Cole smiled at his children

Do you all want to go watch some cartoons while I take a shower and Come join you?” 


Hurry up, Daddy. We can play some games too.” 

Cole nodded as the twins helped themselves down from the bed

The moment they were out of the room, Cole snuck his hands under the duvet and caressed Hailey’s ass

She was lying on her side so he laid on his side too and cuddled her in a spooning position

Hailey giggled, feeling his dick poking her ass

Nice conversations?” 

Cole chuckled. I have to remind myself of their age almost everyday.” 

Hailey smiled. Her smile got even bigger when she felt Cole grab her right buttcheek and slowly slide his dick into her wet cunt

She moaned, feeling his long length hitting her g spot

As he slowly slid in and out of her, Cole brought his hand to her front, caressing her nipples

Is it true you do cry yourself to bed?” 

Hailey said nothing, enjoying the pleasure Cole was giving her. The sex was slow and erotic. This was what she loved so much about Cole. The fact that he knew the right pace for every occasion

He placed a soft kiss on her neck. Say something.” 

Just a few times when I missed you so much. II didn’t think the kids would see me or hear me.” 

Cole thrust deep into her, erupting a loud moan from her

He caressed her boob, slowly thrusting in and out of her. I’m so sorry about that, my love. I promise to make up for all the pain I’ve caused you and all the times we spent apart.” 

Hailey nodded against him, not trusting herself to say anything

I would die of so much jealousy if I wasn’t your man and if you weren’t my woman. I love you so much.Cole continued thrusting into her while fondling her nipple at the same time. They went on and on until they both came in each other


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