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Claiming His Tempting Mate novel Chapter 54

Savannah's POV

"Oh" My body landed on the soft mattress and I felt like it bounced. I looked at the man angrily.

"Why did you do that?"

He smirked "why?" He repeated and started to remove his pants. My eyes almost went out of its socket as I looked at him getting naked.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a trembling voice.

Hardwick didn't reply yet he pulled his pants off from his body and stood in front of me totally naked. I tried hard not to look at his hard shaft but it's like my body has its own mind and subconsciously my eyes reached towards his male point which was now standing proudly.

So hard, so thick and so long.

I gulped down my own saliva but it felt like it stuck somewhere in my throat almost chocking me in the process. A sexy chuckle covered my ear.

"Did you like what you see?"

I frowned and glared hard at the naked person before me. It was all his fault. He was doing it intentionally. With such mouth watering abbs and muscled body that a woman will die before she could resist it was clear that he is seducing me to no end. Though this situation is so embarrassing, I couldn't stop my body from reacting. Suddenly a hotness pooled in my lower part making it clench painfully.

"Are you doing it intentionally?" I was accused. But this beast of a man didn't deny it. Instead he chuckled again.

"Is it working?" He stepped forward "I hope it's working darling because I will make sure you won't be leaving this bed until I can calm my desire down"

My eyes widened "what-what?"

"I am making you recall all the things we had done the other night. Since you are saying that you can't remember properly, as your mate I need to give you a good reminder"

"No-" before I could finish he was already on top of me kissing me hard. Our tongues fight together to claim dominance. His hand rubbed my breast before he squeezed it harshly making me moan in his mouth.

"I couldn't wait any longer. I am craving to bury myself inside of you" he said huskily as he tore my dress leaving me in nothing but two pieces of lingerie.

"You are so beautiful, do you know that?" His tongue gilded towards my neck as he spoke. His hot breath were slapping my skin making it all tingle "but you look like a sex goddess when you wear nothing. I want to taste every inch of your body, to remind you that how much you are made for me and how my this body made only to be mine"

"Hardwick" I moaned when he pushed my bra and latched his mouth on my sensative bud which become hard from his torture. His other hand was massaging my breast kneading it causing my body to release juices all over again. I never knew that my body is so responsive to his touches. And this man really knows how to ignite the fire in me.

"See how your body knows who owns it darling. Don't you think so?" He chuckled before sucking my nipples hard. Biting my nipples hard he removed the bra from my body and threw it on the floor.

"You taste so sweet and so addictive. Let me taste you more, I want to remember how sweet your juices are" his dirty words made me clench my thigh hard. My pussy clenched as it released more juices which were dripping down my inner thing wetting the panty. Hardwick trailed his tongue over my belly then it got lowered until it reached my panty. He reached out and traced the outline of the panty with his slander fingers.

"You know this is mine right?" He asked as he cupped my pussy over the thin cloth of my panty. "Say it" he hissed as he pinched.

"Ah ...it's yours" I moaned loudly.

"Good girl" He praised me before I felt the last barrier slipping away from my body. Now I was completely naked lying beneath him for his eyes to explore. His fingers rubbed my clit in slow motion and I couldn't help but moan. It only makes me cum again.

"You are so eager to feel me?" Hardwick chuckled before he used his fingers to part the soft fold exposing my womanly entrance before his eyes. I felt blush creeping on my face. God there's nothing that I can hide from him now.

"You are so wet, baby. So damn wet that it's making my mouth water to taste you" he growled then before I could know his mouth latched on my wet core.

"Oh...god" I moaned loudly as I felt my body jerked when his tongue teased my entrance then sucked it hard. He licked my pussy then took the wet lips in his mouth sucking it hard like he was eating his favourite candy. I curled my toe as I kept moaning. My heart is beating faster and my body is on fire. My hand reached down and grabbed his silky hair and gave a tug making me groan in a sexy way. He kept sucking me while my core and released more juices. But he licked it again and again. He pinched my clit while he pushed his tongue inside my core.

"Hardwick" I moaned. "Oh my god ...... Ah ....."

"I can feel you are so close, baby. Clench your pussy as hard as you can, let me feel how much you crave for me" he whispered then continued to suck and torture my sensative core.

I felt my blood rushing and my pussy clenched against his tongue. My hip rolled around his mouth and my hand pushed his head in my pussy more. Hardwick didn't let it go, instead he kept sucking and biting my pussy. He parted the pussy lips and ran his tongue making me jump as my pussy became more sensitive.

"I ....."

"Yes baby cum, cum for me. I want you to cum on my tongue while I eat the hell out of you" he encouraged.

"Oh ..." I moaned as my inner wall started to clench tightly.

"Cum right now" Hardwick growled then suddenly slapped my pussy.

"Ah ...."

He pinched my clit then took my pussy lips in his mouth again sucking it hard. And then I shattered. I cum all over his mouth. I panted hard while he sucked my cum clean.

"Did you enjoy darling?" He smirked as he got up and looked at me.

"You......you are such a....."

He chuckled "you taste so good baby, you can't accuse me about it you know"

"I am tired" I felt my body exhausted from his sexy torture. God he knows how to torture sexually.

"Nah, nah babe, it's not over yet. You have enjoyed now it's my time to enjoy you"

"What -" before I could say he grabbed my ankles and pulled me towards him. His hard member poked on my wet core and I couldn't help but moan again.

*Oh, God"

"Did you feel like a baby. See how hard it is. So ready for you to take you, to claim you, to own you. After today you are completely mine, from heart to soul, from body to life"

"Hardwick" I moaned again. He rubbed his dick on my entrance.

"Ready love?"

He didn't let me answer as I felt him push the tip of his cock in my core.

"Oh god.....it's huge...."

He leaned in and kissed my cheek "don't worry darling, it's made for you and you can get used to it. He is so eager to take your sweet little cunt"

I didn't have time to respond as he suddenly pushed hard in one thrust. I screamed as a sharp pain hit my body making it unbearable. Hardwick ran kisses on my face trying to soothe my pain.

"Ah....." I bit my lips as I felt my pussy being filled with a hard huge cock. I gasped for air and shut my eyes .

"It's hard, but the pain will go away soon" he whispered in my ear then kissed my neck. "You are such a beautiful baby. I am feeling like living in heaven"

I felt my pain fading away slowly leaving the feeling of his hoge size that covered whole being "move please"

"Are you sure?" He looked up gazing into my eyes. I nodded my head.


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