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Clubrooms Diary novel Chapter 42


May 14th 2018

I stood there with wide eyes as I let the big Galliano bottle slip through my trembling fingers, watching Jimmy fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes. I only hoped to knock him out. Now I'm afraid I might have killed him. 

When I look at Layla, she's staring back at me mirroring my emotions. I approach her and assist her to her feet. 

"I. I didn't mean to hit him hard." I whimper, looking at her. 

"It was an accident!" I cover my mouth, trapping the words that eagerly what to be heard. 

"Let the piece of shit rot in hell." She spits on his body with distaste and kicks him. 

"You hear that Jimmy? Rot. In. Fucking. Hell. You. Sick. Bastard." She sneers at him darkly.

She turns to face me, wiping her teary eyes and sniffles.

"He confessed Lisa, he started to confess how his sick mind worked and I cut him." 

"That was you?" I say stunned as I take another look at Jimmy's face. 

The cut ran from his right brow down to the corner of his lip. The cut was so deep, the layers of the skin rolled back, exposing his cheek tissue. 

"What are we gonna do?" I ask panicking. 

I never thought I'd end up in jail growing up. Not for fucking murder anyway. I continue to stare at him, letting my eyes rest on his chest, praying to see it rise and fall. 


I don't know if it's my eyes playing tricks on me or if......


"Grab his legs." She says sternly.

"What for?" I watch as she stands where his head is looking at me like I'm stupid. 

"Are you really asking me this?" She sighs. 

I obviously know she wants to move his body out of sight in case a client walks into the bar. But where is what I'm wanting to know.

"Where are we taking him?" 

"The skip bins around the back. Tomorrow's collection day." She says breathlessly, lifting his shoulders and dropping them again. 

"Fuck!" She curses out loud. 

She looks around the bar, looking for something to help us move his body.

"Where's the oil drums?" 

"The last one should be by the dishwasher." I watch her run behind the bar and roll it out using the hand trolley. 

"Close the door will you?' She says breathlessly.

I close the doors, double locking them in case Chad decides to come in and drown his kidneys in alcohol. I turn and rush towards her. 

"I'm gonna lay the drum down, we will stuff his heavy ass inside and try our best to stand it back up, okay?" She wipes the sweat from her forehead. 

"This is crazy Layla if we get caught-"

"I'll take the blame." She cuts me off.

"But I-"

Chapter 42: It was an accident 1

Chapter 42: It was an accident 2


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