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Emperor of all ages novel Chapter 161

"I'll stand here today to see how you killed me."

Yexuan looked at Hong Yunlie with a smile, and put his hands in his pocket, which was very light.

"don’t know when I'm dying!"

Seeing that yexuan was so arrogant, Hong Yunlie gave a cold hum and a flash of murder in his eyes.

He immediately looked at the people in black and said: "Everyone, let's go."

"Let's go!"

An old man's voice sounded, calm and experienced.

"Do the Taoist friends of xuanmo cave, Yanxia mountain and lingxu holy land really want to fight with Huangji immortal sect?"

Zhou Zihuang said coldly.

Hundreds of people in black, everyone's breath is very strong.

Although they were wearing night clothes, Zhou Zihuang had recognized their origins.

Itis the three holy places of cultivation around Huangji immortal sect! The overall strength of these three holy places of cultivation is above Huangji Xianzong.

Huangjixianzong can be described as living in the crevice of the three holy places of cultivation.

Originally, the three holy places of cultivation ignored huangjixianzong.

After all, huangjixianzong was not the huangjixianzong of that year, and it was not worth their efforts.

But I don’t know why today, these guys choose to join hands with Hong Yunlie to attack them.

"Master Zhou joked that the world is the jungle!"

Before that night owl like voice sounded again, let a person goose bumps are up.

He said, "if it was huangjixianzong in the past, we didn't even bother to look at it, but now..."

"Jie Jie"

The man gave out a very harsh smile, which made his hair stand up.

"You huangjixianzong revealed the great emperor's immortal skill and got so many cultivation resources from Luotian holy land.

It’s hard for us not to be moved."

These words directly made many disciples of huangjixianzong extremely angry.

These guys are obviously looking for trouble with huangjixianzong?! Seeing that huangjixianzong is on the rise, we immediately take action to seize the resources of huangjixianzong? Where is this holy land of cultivation? It's just banditry and banditry?! These holy places of cultivation are just a group of villains! Butin this case, the disciples of huangjixianzong did not dare to say anything more even though they were angry.

The breath of terror came down, and they were even out of breath.

They just glare back.

The strength of these enemies is very terrible, and they are not at the same level at all.

They are not even qualified to fight! This makes them feel a sense of frustration.

As a disciple of huangjixianzong, I see that huangjixianzong is dominated by the enemy, but I can do nothing.

"As I said, being weak in this world is a sin in itself."

Night Xuan pour is not flustered at all, but breeze light cloud light ground says.

"Being a weak person is a sin in itself?"

Yexuan’'s words, like thunder, fell on the hearts of the disciples of huangjixian sect and planted a seed of strength.

At this moment, they really feel the same way.

They are weak and can't do anything in the face of a strong enemy.

It seems that they can only be slaughtered in the same place.

Although I don't want to admit it, they are indeed the weak.

In this conspiracy, as the weak, they bear a kind of crime.

"You are very conscious, you little boy."

The voice of the night owl sounded, and the man in black looked at the night Xuan, with a strange smile in his cold eyes, and said, "as far as we are concerned, whether you or the whole Huangji immortal sect are weak, so we can only let us share the food."

"No, no, No The man's voice has not yet fallen, night Xuan interrupted him.


The man in black's eyes narrowed and a cold light flashed.

How dare you be so rude in front of him? "You are the weak."

Yexuan laughs.

"Well At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Even the disciples of huangjixianzong and the students of lietian Academy were stunned.

Yexuan, are you crazy? They were surrounded by three masters of the holy land of cultivation, but this night Xuan still vowed that others were weak? "Haha ha, this little guy is a little interesting."

The man in black, a hearty laugh.

"Interesting? It's just the arrogant child of ignorance.


Thousand blood old devil sneers a way.

This night Xuan, say words, really let a person feel funny.


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