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Emperor of all ages novel Chapter 162

"Kill this guy.There’s too much bullshit."

A thousand blood old demons in the tunnel.

"I'll see who dares!"

Zhou Zihuang broke out.

The smell of terror surged out like mountains and seas.

Suddenly, hundreds of people in black, most of them showed a dignified color.

Even thousand blood old devil, Xiushui real person are slightly sideways.

"I have to say that you are very powerful.

I'll give you some more time.

I'm afraid you can really take huangjixianzong to power."

The thousand blood old devil said.

"Unfortunately, today is your day."

"Huangjixianzong, only in the dust to eat ash!"

Boom———— Ina flash, the old blood devil suddenly had a surging smell of blood, which made people feel sick.

The strong evil spirit, just like a ferocious hand, spread constantly, directly competing with the Emperor Zhou.

"Do it!"

At the same time, wulongzhou, the supreme elder of the holy land of lingxu, the master of the bright voice, suddenly ordered.

Boom, boom———— In an instant, the whole Wansheng mountain road field is covered with endless breath.

All kinds of decadent momentum came from the overwhelming suppression.

Hong Yunlie asked the two vice presidents to take the students of lietian academy to the corner, and he went to suppress Zhou Zihuang.

Although Hong Yunlie threatened to kill yexuan.

But the key point of this battle lies in Zhou Zihuang.

Just take the Emperor Zhou down.

It's easy to sav "It's ridiculous that these guys want to do something about me."

Yexuan looked at the hundreds of people in black, as well as Hong Yunlie, Qianxue old devil, Xiushui immortal and wulongzhou, who joined hands to attack Zhou Zihuang, with a smile.

As he spoke, yexuan stamped his feet lightly.


The next moment, an amazing scene happened.

Yunshan trapped God array.

It collapsed rapidly at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Hong Yunlie, Qianxue Laomo, Xiushui Zhenren and wulongzhou, who had already started fighting, all felt their bodies shaking and nearly fell.

"No, the battle is broken!"

At this time, a man in black issued a panic roar.


The thousand blood old devil and others who haven't stabilized their body almost didn't pee when they heard this.

else to do."

Liu Tianhao calmed down, did not have the impulse, but looked at the night Xuan.

Sure enough, he didn’t see the slightest panic on yexuan's face.

Some of it was just light and cloudless.

It seems that I've figured that out for a long time!? "Tut Tut, I really don’t have any patience.

I'm impetuous."

At the moment, the night Xuan sees everyone is to start, can't help but shake head to smile.

"Husband, do you have a way to crack it?"

Zhou Youwei flies down to yexuan.

She looks around with vigilance in her beautiful eyes and whispers.

Many disciples of Huangji immortal sect also gathered around yexuan and looked frightened.

Hearing Zhou Youwei's question, everyone looked at yexuan with a trace of hope.

"Elder martial brother, is there any way?"

"It's ridiculous that these guys want to do something about me."

Yexuan looked at the hundreds of people in black, as well as Hong Yunlie, Qianxue old devil, Xiushui immortal and wulongzhou, who joined hands to attack Zhou Zihuang, with a smile.

As he spoke, yexuan stamped his feet lightly.

Boom-—-—— The next moment, an amazing scene happened.

Yunshan trapped God array.

It collapsed rapidly at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Hong Yunlie, Qianxue Laomo, Xiushui Zhenren and wulongzhou, who had already started fighting, all felt their bodies shaking and nearly fell.

"No, the battle is broken!"

At this time, a man in black issued a panic roar.


The thousand blood old devil and others who haven't stabilized their body almost didn't pee when they heard this.

Yunshan trapped God array, cracked?! What the hell! This is a real eight level spirit array! Within a radius of 80000 Li, there are only three holy places of cultivation that can produce such works.

To this end, they also spent a lot of effort.

But now, this big array is not even supported by a stick of incense, it has been cracked by people?! "Can we say that emperor Ji Xian Zong had expected this for a long time, so he invited a master to sit down and broke the array outside?"

A few people are the mind hundred turn, secretly frightened.


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