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Entrapped To Alien Lords Free chapter novel Chapter 17


He towered over me and I lost the urge to go almost instantaneously. "We were told humans would need explanations and constant reminders, but you are unbelievable, Ciara. Go into the shower and I will wash your hair, you do enjoy having it don't you?"

"My hair, Master Evan?" I asked grabbing it and pulling it over my shoulder. "Yes, sir. I really enjoy having my hair," I stroked a handful of it as he approached me.

"We let you keep it because we wanted you to be happy. If you cannot be agreeable we will have it removed," he said turning on the water and starting to soap my hair.

"You don't like hair?" I mumbled as he washed my locks.

They all had hair. I couldn't figure out what they had against my hair.

"We like our slaves with as little hair as possible. Human slaves seem to be happier when they are allowed to keep theirs. We spoke to the other Warriors about it. Leaving you with yours seemed a small price to pay overall," he said rinsing me.

My belly was howling it's need again, but I stood quietly shifting foot to foot. When he was done washing my hair he wrapped it in a cloth a patted the rest of me dry. I was hovering over the pot as soon as he pointed to it.

Remembering my experience with Christof, I faced the wall. It was embarrassing to go with someone watching. I just hummed under my breath and pretended I was alone.

Master Evan soaped and washed me in the shower after I had gone. Once he was done he asked me to lay back across his lap on the little bench. I did as he said, but wondered why. Was he gong to give me another enema?

I felt the oil being rubbed over my pucker and I tried not to flinch. I felt a finger enter me, slowly moving in and out. The stretch got greater and it felt like he was using two fingers. I moaned at the sensations and buried my face against the bench.

Master Evan continued to softly assault me with his hands before slipping something else in my ass. Whatever he used this time was thin like a finger initially and then got wider. I felt stretched to my limit when it narrowed slightly. Master Evan left whatever it was inside of me and stroked my ass with both hands. I felt stretched, but not painful.

"Get up, Ciara," he said.

Standing up I wiggled a little and got used to the thing in my ass. I tried to reach my hand around to touch it, but a sharp look halted me. I would have asked about it, but I stopped myself. I didn't want my question be construed as a complaint, which is how it would have sounded.

After Master Evan washed his hands, he looked pointedly at me and played with my hair. He gave me the answer I needed without saying a word, no questions about the plug.

The strange purple cream was put on my skin and rubbed in. I marveled at the soft feel it left behind once the color faded. It was the best moisturizer I'd ever encountered.

Once Evan was done I followed him silently into the kitchen and found my place, now between him and Christof.

"Did it complain, brother?" Master Damien asked as he ate.

"Questions, brother, forever with the questions, but very little complaining. You are learning, aren't you Ciara?" Master Evan asked me.

"Yes, Master Evan," I replied taking a bite from between his fingers.

The talk at the table was pleasant and I was distracted from feeling the plug up my ass. I was dying to know how long they were going to leave it in. Obviously, my questions were annoying, so I just figured I'd wait and see. I hoped they would take it out eventually.

After breakfast I was dressed in a panel outfit and my earrings like the day before. There was a pad in the bedroom and I was instructed to kneel. I waited while they all got ready. The plug wasn't bothering me necessarily; I just wanted to know how long I was going to have to wear it.

I looked mournfully at Master Damien once he was dressed but didn't say anything. He looked at me like he was waiting for something. The post experience was still forefront in my mind; I didn't want to go back there. Being shaved bald like Master Evan had threatened sounded awful, too. I just sat quietly.

As we walked outside, Master Damien addressed me, "The General will be giving an announcement today. You are to look at him when he is speaking. You may speak to him if he speaks to you. He has no patience for obnoxious slaves. If you treat him with disrespect, you will get much more than time at the posts. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Master Damien," I answered him as we made our way downstairs.

The courtyard was a busy place this morning. I kept my eyes on the back of Master Damien's heels and followed him to a spot. I noticed their mark was on the ground where we were standing. He laid my kneeling place over their mark and they all stood behind me. I knelt down and waited. Except for the shuffling of feet it was quiet; no one was talking.

Using my peripherals, I saw other groups standing around their slave. Only about one third of the groups had a slave. Considering the work they put into having one that made sense. The way they determined I needed to be cared for made having me a full time job.

The General's booming voice was hard to miss. He was on a tall platform in the middle of the compound. I looked up dutifully at him while he talked. According to him, women from the blue mountains were taking men from the village. He congratulated my Warriors on finding the last shopkeeper they had stolen.

There was talk that sounded like strategy on how they would patrol. I wished I had watched more military shows with my uncles, I might have understood some of what he was saying.


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