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Entrapped To Alien Lords Free chapter novel Chapter 22


It wasn't apparent I had been holding my breath until I let it out. Master Evan had come in and sprawled out beside me. He looked up into my face and noticed the tears. Before I could do anything else he had scooped me up and was walking toward Master Damien. I saw the rest of my owners coming toward us.

"Is it ill, Evan?" Master Damien asked under his breath looking down at me.

Before I could answer Master Evan quietly told him I had been making tears again. I was surprised they remembered the word.

"I'm sorry, Master Damien," I whispered to him, "another man touched me and it scared me. I don't like it when other men touch me. Please, make him stop, Masters."

Looking at the tent, Master Damien sighed and spoke. "That other man will be one of your Keepers when we are called out. We will return the favor by keeping their slave when they are unavailable. He will not harm you and he is permitted to touch you... when he keeps you."

"Now he just seems to be trying to rile Damien," Master Bane smirked.

"You did take a point from him, brother," Master Kein said referring to the game and evidently finding humor in the situation.

"And this gives him a right to touch what is ours?" Master Damien asked stroking the tears from my cheek.

The other men's faces darkened at the thought and I knew they agreed with Master Damien.

"Evan talk to Stayne and remind him of the rules. Tell him he will not like my reminder," Master Damien ordered.

Master Evan sat my feet on the ground and I followed him back to the tent. He told the other man not to touch what wasn't his. The other man, Stayne, acted mock surprised. The two of them joked for several minutes about what Master Damien would do if he kept it up. Stayne did relent fairly quickly which made me think everyone must have a healthy respect for Master Damien.

The rest of the game was uneventful. I think my owners won, but I couldn't be sure. Being closer to the action didn't help me understand it any better.

After the game we walked back into the bath house. I was wondering why they even bothered having a shower in their quarters, so I asked them.

"More questions, Ciara?" Master Bane laughed at me.

"Convenience," Master Damien answered, "they are a nicety and a sign of our stature, but we prefer the bath house."

I washed Master Damien as usual. Once he was done, Master Kein slid in front of me on the bench along the wall. We sat in a shallow part of the pool. Almost everyone was in the deeper water, so it almost felt like we were alone.

I ran the cloth over Master Kein's body and noticed there were a lot fewer scars. His shading was also different. Where Master Damien had thin barely visible stripes of gold and golden brown, Master Kein's stripes were thicker and darker.

"You don't have as many scars as your brother, Master Kein," I commented.

"Perhaps I am a better fighter," he said teasingly pulling me to sit and straddle his lap.

I continued to bathe him and ended up wrapping my legs around his waist. His length started to harden between us. I tried to continue the conversation to distract him.

"You are a better fighter than Master Damien, Master Kein?" I asked.

I had seen first hand what Master Damien could do, I never wanted to see it again.

He laughed outright at me and ran his hands boldly over my body. "I am someone that sits quietly and attacks with stealth, Ciara. My brothers each have a skill, that is mine. Damien is much better at hand to hand combat than I am."

"Your coloring is different, Master Kein," I said running a finger along his chest over a particularly dark line.

"Better for camouflage, Ciara," he answered watching as I traced the marks.

"You hunt things, Master?" I asked touching down his arm.

The muscles slid under my fingers and I was reminded how strong he probably was, how strong they all were.

"So curious," he murmured, "about everything. Yes, I hunt things, Ciara."

"What kind of things do you hunt, Master Kein?"

His golden brown eyes appraised me as I rubbed the cloth over his neck and shoulders.

"Other men when they are lost or when they have attacked the village. Sometimes I hunt game to eat for dinner," he said pulling me tight against him.

Master Kein was getting excited as I sat on his lap. His cock was pressed between the folds of my sex. The gentle currents in the pool had me shifting up and down, sliding along his length. In an attempt to stop the inevitable, I tried to disentangle my legs from around him.

Master Kein clucked his tongue and me and placed a hand on each thigh. "I am comfortable, Ciara. Keep your legs wrapped around me," he commanded, "I wish to explore you."

He started with my mouth. Hesitantly, he traced my lips with his fingers. Considering what he had already put in my mouth his shyness was unnecessary and I told him that.

"Always so brazen," he mused slipping a finger between my lips.

I laved the flesh like it was his cock even touching my teeth to the tip. I gave each finger the same treatment. His breathing hissed in and out watching me.

Master Kein's hands examined every piece of me he could reach. His touch was meticulous and thorough. He spent many minutes touching the weight of my breasts in the water. Combined with the sensation of his shaft rubbing up and down between my lower lips, I felt like I was on fire. My hands wound in the hair at the back of his neck, underwater my hips had started to shift restlessly against him.


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