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Entrapped To Alien Lords Free chapter novel Chapter 8


I was soon very full. I tried to refuse a bite from Master Evan and he frowned at me.

"Eat Ciara, the saleswoman showed us a way to force food into you. It did not look pleasant to me."

I dutifully opened my mouth and took in another bite. I thought to myself that it would serve them right if I threw up because I ate too much. I nearly did retch when a thought crossed my mind. Master Evan would probably want to taste it. I held my food down and had to stifle a smile.

Master Evan would literally eat anything that came out of me. I wondered what would happen when I got a cold. That usually made my nose run like a faucet. Oh, what a nasty thought.

I didn't notice the light chatter at the table had gone strangely quiet and my companions were all staring at me. I was still chewing my last bite and smiling at my own sick sense of humor when I looked up.

Master Damien lifted my chin and looked into my eyes as I gulped down my food. I was terrified I must have missed something.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked looking far too interested.

"Nothing, I'm sorry I wasn't listening. Did I miss something, Master Damien?" I lied to him.

Master Damien held my chin and seemed to consider for a moment before he spoke again, "We gave you our language because we wished to hear you speak. Always answer me when I ask you a question and always tell me the truth. Now tell me, what were you thinking about?"

I gulped and looked at the bulky muscles of his physique. This man could beat me to death before I could raise an arm in self defense. In fear, my mouth spilled out exactly what had been in my head.

"I was thinking that if I threw up it would serve you right for forcing me to eat. Then I thought Master Evan would taste it and that would be gross. Lastly, I was thinking about the next time I get sick and my nose runs with snot Master Evan will want to taste that, which is even grosser."

I was panting with terror and Master Damien had the nerve to laugh at me. The whole table had the nerve to laugh. Master Kein laughed so hard he had to bend over double and move away.


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