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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24 

Grace, is there something difficult for you to express?” 

My younger brother is hospitalized, and my parents are too busy taking care of him. They don’t have time to look after me.Grace shook her head

What about the child’s father?He referred to the child’s father, avoiding using the word husbandthis time

There’s no father. I don’t have a husband, either. I’m just a maid for the Francis family, Grace said, smiling as she touched her flat abdomen

Justin couldn’t do anything about it. He knew there were still many things she hadn’t told him, but he was just her attending physician. Her privacy was not something he felt comfortable delving into

Regardless, you must be hospitalized for the sake of your health. If you still want to have the child, find a way to stay in the hospital, understand?” 

After Justin said this and received a nod of agreement from Grace, he left the hospital room

Grace slept peacefully. After drinking so much alcohol tonight, Brian should be asleep by now, and she didn’t have to worry. about him coming to find her

Setting an alarm for eight in the morning, she woke up and called her younger brother, Carson

Carson was rudely awakened by her call. In a somewhat hostile tone, he asked, Why are you calling so early? Speak up if you have something important. Otherwise, spare me the nonsense!” 

Did you stay up playing games again last night until the wee hours?Grace’s voice grew stern

None of your business. Just mind your own business,he retorted

Grace scolded him over the phone, You don’t want me to care, right? I bet you’ve probably been kicked out of the hospital 

room by now!” 

What do you mean? Did Mom call asking for money again? The medical bills Dad gave her must have gone to play cards and lost again!Carson furrowed his brow

Grace exhaled a sigh. In fact, she could also guess the general situation. The incident had already passed, bringing it up again would only cause more trouble for herself

She didn’t pursue the topic further. I called you because I need your help. If Brian calls you asking about me, just say I’m at your place taking care of you, okay?” 

Carson didn’t ask for the reason and simply agreed, Got it.” 

Grace reminded him to play fewer games and then hung up the phone

Speaking of which, Carson was two years younger than her. When they were kids, they often quarrel and fight, but Carson would still listen to Grace. However, perhaps due to illness, he had become a bit rebellious

However, he would still listen to what his sister said

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Chapter 24 

Not long after Grace hung up the phone, she received a call from Melvin

All of this was within her expectations


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Miss Sherman, where are you? Mr. Brian hasn’t seen you since this morning and is quite worried. He asked me to inquire about your whereabouts, Melvin said

As soon as Melvin finished speaking. Grace heard the displeased voice of Brian on the other end. Who said I’m worried about her? She disappears early in the morning. Is there no sense of propriety?” 

Melvin awkwardly chuckled on the phone and asked, Miss Sherman, where are you? Shall I come to pick you up?” 

Melvin, please convey to Brian that I’m here taking care of my brother. It might take a few days before I can go back,Grace said with a heavy heart

Melvin had the phone on speaker on his end

Brian sat at the dining table, and upon hearing her words, he furrowed his brow. He sarcastically remarked to himself, Wasn’t she making a fuss about wanting some rest? Now, suddenly, she has the leisure to take care of a patient?” 

My brother may not be as noble as Mr. Brian and Miss Adkins, nor does he possess the skill to torment people like you both do!Grace retorted upon hearing his words

Melvin stood by the phone, feeling awkward and unsure what to do

Miss Sherman had indeed become bolder, even daring to retort to Mr. Brian 

Brian, angered with his temples throbbing, swiftly rose from his chair. He took three brisk steps and reached over to disconnect the call

Sitting back at the dining table again, he found himself unable to eat. He threw the fork aside and asked, Melvin, who prepared breakfast today?” 

The maid standing nearby hurriedly exclaimed, Mr. Brian, I prepared it. Is it not to your liking? What would you like to eat? I’ll make it again.” 

Brian glanced at her and coldly said, No need” 

The meal was exquisitely prepared and appetizing, but it felt like something was missing

After Brian left, the maid trembled and asked Melvin, Melvin, am I going to have my salary cut?” 

Melvin shook his head and said with a smile, No, you won’t. Mr. Brian just misses the meals cooked by Miss Sherman.” 

Brian drove with his foot pressing down on the accelerator, the car’s interior temperature set to the lowest. Yet, the discomfort in his ch*st lingered 

Recalling the events from last night, it occurred to him that she had not gone to take care of her brother at all

Clearly, she was intentionally avoiding him

Chapter 24 


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Did she treat him like a beast? Even during her menstruation, she was still no guarded against him

The more Brian thought about it, the angrier he became. He called Carson, only to be informed that Grace had gone to do the laundry

Your sister hasn’t been feeling well lately and is on her period. Did you make her do the laundry for you? Are you incapable of doing it yourself?Unable to vent his anger, Brian vented his frustration on Carson with a barrage of criticism

Carson was puzzled. What is a period?” 

Brian felt like a lump in his throat, unable to speak. Without saying more, he abruptly ended the call with a snap


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