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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25 

Do you not know? A colleague on the night shift yesterday said that Dr. Vance came to bring this patient for treatment in the middle of the night. He was even in his pajamas!Another nurse turned to tell her

Oh! It seems like this patient has a special identity, huh? Dr. Vance, is there something significant about this?” 

A gentle smile played on Justin’s face as he said, Don’t tease me Get back to work, all of you” 

Without acknowledging or denying anything, he left room for everyone’s imagination 

After completing the hospital admission procedures, Justin returned to the hospital room. It was now nearing noon, and he saw Grace still lying alone in the bed. He asked, Where are your family members

No family members. Is it necessary to have them here?” Grace shook her head


Justin pressed his forehead, thinking that she had finally agreed to be hospitalized because someone would take care of her. However, he didn’t expect that she planned to stay in the hospital alone. He asked, What are you having for lunch?” 

“I just ordered takeout,” she replied

You’re pregnant, do you realize that? Staying in the hospital without anyone to take care of you is one thing, but you’re still ordering takeout! Justin was surprised, his jaw dropping, and at the same time, a trace of concern flickered in his heart 

Grace smiled: Do you think I’m pitiful, Dr. Vance? In truth, she had already become accustomed to it 

You rest first. I’ll instruct the nurses to keep an eye on you, Justin said helplessly 

At noon 

Justin came in with a nutritious meal. He placed the food by the bedside and said, “This is a nutritious meal from the hospital cafeteria. The taste might not be particularly delicious, but it’s rich in nutrients, and cleanliness and hygiene are guaranteed. I’ve ordered five daysworth of these meals for you, and someone will deliver them to you every day at noon 

from now on 

Dr. Vance, thank you,” Grace said, looking at the hearty lunch. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she looked at him with 


Justin took out a tissue and wiped away her tears. Seeing the needle still in her hand, he spoke with a gentle voice, Let me feed you” 

Grace wasnt used to being fed, especially by her attending physician, Justin. It felt too intimate and inappropriate in this 


Dr. Vance, I can manage on my own. You haven’t had lunch, right? Please go and have your mealGrace said, taking the spoon from his hand 

She scooped up a big bite and put it in her mouth. However, as soon as she ate it, she felt uncomfortable in her stomach, covering her mouth and desperately trying to endure it 

Justin swiftly kicked the trash can over, saying, Don’t hold it in. If you feel like vomiting, just let it out.” 


Chapter 25 

46% 20:10 

Grace couldn’t hold it any longer. Disregarding her image, she bent over the bedside and vomited loudly

Just as the cleaning staff happened to come in to change the garbage bag, watching Grace vomit uncontrollably, she couldn’t help but ask, Miss, are you pregnant?” 

Grace wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue and replied, Yes.” 

While changing the garbage bag, the cleaning staff said, You must be around two months pregnant, right? At this time, morning sickness is most severe. I experienced the same when I was pregnant with my daughter. Eating oranges helps. Just eat a few pieces before meals, and it works well.” 

Justin was intrigued by her words. Oranges?” 

Yeah, but we can’t find these fruits in Mantos. They are only available in Lostara. Besides, considering the current weather, I reckon oranges are almost out of season,” the cleaning staff said with a smile

She then replaced the garbage bag and left

Grace drank a lot of water from her glass, diluting the nauseous feeling in her stomach. Only then did she pick up the spoon again to resume eating

With each bite, she almost held her breath before swallowing

Justin stood by her side, making her feel uneasy. She repeatedly urged him to go back

He had no choice but to leave

Walking back to the office, he took out his phone and made a call, engaging in a conversation with the other person in a notsofluent language

In the afternoon

Before dinner, Justin suddenly walked in carrying a bag

Grace looked at the contents. What’s this?” 

Oranges.” Justin placed the items on the table and handed her a few

Grace suddenly remembered the cleaning staff’s words from noon and looked at him in surprise. Did you buy these? Where did you get them? There shouldn’t be any here in Mantos, right?” 

A friend helped ship these over. Dinner is almost ready. Try eating these and see if they help after you finish,Justin said casually

Grace looked at him, unsure of how to express her gratitude

Seeing her remain still for a while, he asked, What’s wrong? Don’t feel like eating?” 

Grace shook her head, resisting the urge to cry. She peeled an orange and took a bite. It was quite sour, but the more sour it was, the more she wanted to eat

The sour feeling was even more intense, as it had been far too long since someone had cared for her and looked after her

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Chapter 25 

Tears finally couldn’t be held back and began to fall

-2 Why 

What’s wrong? Why are you crying?Justin asked anxiously

Dr. Vance, try one, and you’ll understand why I’m crying,” Grace said with a smile

*UAN 46% 20:10 

Seeing her smile, Justin felt relieved. He shook his head in mock disapproval and said, I heard from my friend that these are very sour. I won’t eat them.” 


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