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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103

Jalen did not speak, but his sullen face was self–explanatory.

Based on his understanding of Elaina, she would agree. What was more, she would be very proactive.

“See you tonight, Mr. Halton. I hope you won’t tip off the Lory family.” Saul waved at Jalen, got into the car, and left.

Jalen watched as Saul’s flashy red sports car disappeared. His eyes were cold when he looked back at the floor where Elaina was. Then he turned to leave as well.

Elaina went back to sleep again until noon. Only then did she stop being so drowsy. She got up the bed and habitually checked her phone.


Joyce sent her a message, telling her that it was Nitzan’s birthday party tonight and asking her if she wanted to come together.

Elaina replied to Joyce and then checked the texts others had sent her.

Jenica also texted Elaina, telling Elaina that she wouldn’t make it to Nitzan’s birthday party tonight. She wanted Elaina to wish Nitzan a happy birthday on her behalf.

Elaina felt helpless. She thought, it seems that Jenica has been busy ever since the Gansburg family nearly went bankrupt and she decided to go to work at the Gansburg Group. She is a qualified heir.

Saul also texted Elaina, saying that he would pick her up at six o’clock in the afternoon. Elaina replied: “OK.”

After checking all the texts, Elaina got up to wash up and then slowly fixed lunch for herself.

After lunch, it was still early before six o ‘clock in the afternoon. She did not sit around. Instead, she began to search for news related to the Lory Group.

As she said, she was not the forgiving type. Marcus drugged her. She wouldn’t let him get away easily.

Maybe she could not take Marcus down in one go. However, she could do it slowly. The bottom line was, she wouldn’t sit still while doing nothing.

Listed companies often went wrong financially, and that was where Elaina was planning on targeting.

She thought, it’s a one–time thing anyway, so there’s no need to let him know. He’ll get worried.


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