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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15

“Jalen, you…” Kadin wanted to say something, but Jalen interrupted him.

“Aren’t Kian and Marie the cash cows you brought home from the orphanage? You forced them to drop out of school to make money at a young age. When Kian became my bodyguard, he was only 18 years old. Right? When Marie waited tables in the restaurant, she was only 16 years old. Right?” Jalen put on a long face and said bluntly.

“Do you think they don’t know their background? Do you know why Kian only asked me to take care of Marie before he died and didn’t mention you two at all?”

If not for the fact that they two had been pushing their luck recently, Jalen would not have said such unpleasant words.

They are too shameless. Do they really regard themselves as Marie’s parents?

Kadin and his wife turned pale, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

“They… They know about their backgrounds?” Kadin asked. He couldn’t believe it.

Jalen glanced at him and then looked in the direction of Marie’s room upstairs. “Marie doesn’t know. Kian

didn’t want her to be hurt, so he didn’t tell Marie.”

Kadin breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Marie didn’t know, it was fine. Anyway, she was his biggest cash

cow now.

“I said those things because I want you to know that I can tell Marie the truth at any time. And I can let her

cut off her relationship with you. Do you understand?” Jalen put it bluntly. He warned Kadin and his wife not

to be insatiable.

They nodded like chickens pecking food, not daring to refute it at all.

Seeing this, Jalen was satisfied. “Alright, take good care of her.”

With that, he turned around to leave.

“What about the cooperation?” Kadin gritted his teeth and asked. He hadn’t given up.

As Jalen walked out, he said, “Someone will deliver the contract tomorrow.”

“Alright. Alright. Alright. We won’t let you down.” Kadin smiled happily, and so did his wife.

Marie had come out of the room. She looked at her parents with a cold face and complained, “Why do you

ask to cooperate with Jalen again? Didn’t he give you enough?”

“You don’t understand. One project is not enough. Continuous cooperation will bring more benefits. We will make as much money as we want as long as we cooperate with the Halton Group.” Kadin didn’t change his

attitude toward her. He didn’t want Marie to notice anything wrong.

Marie was so angry that she was about to cry. “How am I supposed to face Jalen when I owe him so much? Have you ever thought about that?”

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“You will get rich. Why will he look down upon you?” Kadin asked.

But then his tone softened. Kadin said to her, “Marie, we know that you like Jalen, but it’s useless to just say it. You should do something.”

“What can I do?” Marie’s eyes were red. She was sad exactly because she couldn’t do anything.

“A man can never refuse a woman who comes to him,” Kadin said to her. His meaning was very obvious.

Marie suddenly blushed and glared at Kadin. “I am not that kind of a woman!”

With that, Marie turned around angrily and slammed the door.

When Jalen got back to the Halton’s old house, Elaina had left. He looked at the empty living room and frowned.


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