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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 163

Chapter 163

In the Kemp Apartment, Elaina came out after taking a shower. Elaina took out her phone and saw that there was a missed call.

Elaina opened it and saw that it was Jalen calling. Elaina was a little surprised.

Elaina thought about it and called Jalen back.

However, it rang for a long time. No one picked up until it hung up. Elaina frowned slightly and said to herself, “What’s going on?”

Elaina threw her phone aside and lay on the bed, ready to sleep.

Five minutes later, Elaina turned over and took the phone to call Jalen again.

Jalen rarely called her. It was even rarer for Jalen to call Elaina like this, and no one answered. For some reason, Elaina thought of the few people who had been watching them at the supermarket the other day.

Perhaps the other party was not targeting her, but Jalen?

Thinking of this, Elaina could not help but feel a little worried.

Elaina called again, but there was still no answer. Elaina did not give up and dialed again.

Just when Elaina thought that no one would pick up this time, the call was picked up. Elaina quickly asked, “Jalen, are you alright? Why didn’t you answer the phone just now…”

“Ms. Gainsford?”

It was not Jalen’s voice that came from the other side of the line, but Alisha, whom Elaina hated.

“Jalen is taking a shower. Do you have something urgent? Do you need me to get him for you?” As Alisha said this, Alisha deliberately turned on the speaker so that Elaina could hear the sound of

water coming from the bathroom.

Elaina held her phone and did not know what to say for a moment.

Elaina felt that she was ridiculous at this moment.

Who is Jalen? Why would something happen to him? I think too much!

Since Jalen is with Alisha, why would Jalen call me? Is he trying to upset me?

“Ms. Gainsford?” Without waiting for Elaina’s answer, Alisha said again.


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