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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 243

Chapter 243

The next day, Elaina woke up exhausted. She changed her clothes and rushed to the hospital.

She was not depressed because of what happened yesterday. For her, no matter what happened, she would go to work as usual.

Moreover, if she was just staying at home at this time, she would fall into a flutter. She might as well come to the hospital to work. At least she wouldn’t have time to think too much when she was busy.

“Elaina, good morning.” Joyce walked into the office and smiled at her.

During this period of time that she had been working with Elaina, Joyce had learned a lot. Although her internship had not ended yet, there were already several hospitals that wanted her to work. there. Therefore, Joyce was in a very pleasant mood.

Elaina nodded and forced a smile. Joyce immediately noticed that something was wrong Elaina.


She walked over and was a little worried. “Elaina, what’s wrong? You look very pale. Are you sick?”

“I’m fine. I just didn’t sleep well last night.” Elaina shook her head. Of course, she would not tell Joyce about Theodore. No matter what, this was her own business.

Joyce didn’t feel much more reassured after she heard what Elaina said. She was still very worried. “There are more surgeries scheduled today. Elaina, are you sure you can do it yourself? Otherwise, I will ask the Inpatient Department to push it back?”

“No need. It’s fine. I can operate the surgeries,” Elaina replied.

“I am just worried about your health.” Joyce felt that Elaina misunderstood her meaning and quickly explained.

Elaina naturally understood what Joyce meant. She smiled at Joyce and said, “I know, but cerebral disease is not like other diseases. An unexpected thing may happen at any time, so the brain. surgery can’t be delayed.”

“Okay.” Seeing that Elaina was so persistent, Joyce did not continue to say anything. After being with Elaina for so long, she knew Elaina more or less. No one could change Elaina’s mind once she


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