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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 250

Chapter 250

Elaina saw Jalen’s expectant face and looked at the food on her plate. She didn’t bear to refuse him.

But it was strange for Elaina and Jalen to watch a movie together now. They have divorced.

Elaina was hesitating. But Jalen thought that Elaina was thinking of refusing him. This made Jalen very hurt.

As if seeing Jalen’s disappointment, Elaina coughed twice. “Why don’t we make another choice? Watching a movie seems a little boring.”

Elaina still felt that it was not suitable for her to see a movie with Jalen. If someone recognized them, he would misunderstand their relationship.

“All right. It depends on you.” Jalen suddenly became happy. If Elaina could be with him, it didn’t matter what they did..

Moreover, it was Graham who suggested Jalen watch a movie with Elaina. Graham said that it was popular to have dinner and watch movies on dates now, so Jalen chose to invite Elaina to watch a


It stumped Theodore. She never came out alone with a man. Of course, Elaina didn’t consider her shopping with Theodore. After all, Theodore was Elaina’s brother.

After some thought, Elaina suddenly thought of something and immediately said, “There seems to be a clothing exhibition in New York these days, right? Why don’t we take a look together?”

Jalen felt a little sad. It was not easy for him to go out alone with Elaina. He did not expect Elaina to still think about work. Jalen wondered if he was so unattractive.

“You seem to be kind of forced. If you don’t want to go there, then forget it…”

“No, I’m glad to be there.” Jalen interrupted. As long as he could be with Elaina, let alone watch the

exhibition, he would be willing to do everything.


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