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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 273

Chapter 273

After sending Kent to the hotel, Elaina suddenly thought of Corey and Lilly on the way back. She could not help but ask Jalen, “I have asked you to look for a proper adopted family. Is there any news?”

“Yes. I have found one, but I haven’t contacted them yet,” Jalen replied. He wanted to finish the task that Elaina had assigned to him


Elaina breathed a sigh of relief. She had been busy these days and had no time to take care of Corey and Lilly. Thus, she sent them to Peach Village and asked the villagers to look after them.

But it was expedient. Elaina had to find an adopted family early and allowed them to return to their normal lives.

“Send me the information about the family. I will investigate it.” In terms of investigation, Elaina felt that no one could surpass her.

Jalen did not refuse. He knew that Elaina was talented in this field. “Okay.”

Not long after, the car arrived at the Kemp Apartment. It was late, so they said goodnight to each other and then went back to sleep.

They fell asleep. However, someone else couldn’t.

In the huge manor of the Krause family, a sound of smashing came from a small villa in the east.

The maids looked at the angry Sue and stood far away from her, not daring to approach her.

“Damn it!” As Sue smashed things, she cursed angrily, “Elaina, you forced Theodore away! I won’t let you go!”

Suddenly, her cell phone rang. She saw the caller, and her expression did not become better. “What is it?”

“Don’t be so hostile to me. I am here to help you.” Alisha’s kind voice came from the other side of the line, but Sue did not appreciate

“Help me? Are you capable enough to help me?” Sue said in disdain and did not want to talk to Alisha at all.

Alisha was not angry. She smiled, “Aren’t you feeling uncomfortable because Theodore left? You know clearly that Elaina had done it. Don’t you want to teach her a lesson?”


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