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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 343

Chapter 343

OK. I will definitely report the truth.The reporter nodded her head repeatedly. At that moment, she hated Jason to death.

Before coming, he told them that there was a scandal about Elaina. Now? How was this a scandal? She was clearly doing good things.

What now? She might be hated. If she told Jalen, she might not even be able to survive in New York.

For a moment, the reporter thought a lot and even felt that she should immediately leave New York to avoid being found by Jalen.

Elaina did not know that the reporter was thinking about this. She did not take the reporter seriously at all. As long as she reported truthfully, Elaina would not care too much about it.

After finishing these things, Elaina looked at Andy. “Sorry, Dr Wood, it is my fault. I did not expect it.

It’s fine. What does it have to do with you? It’s just that some people don’t deserve to be a father You didn’t do anything wrong.Anyone could tell that Elaina was helping Kent. Who would think that she had kidnapped

Kent? That was ridiculous.

OK, that’s enough. There’s nothing to see. He’s just a scum,Andy said to the crowd.

Everyone responded and left one after another Indeed, there was nothing interesting.

After everyone left, Elaina looked at Kent. I’ll send you back to school.

No, thank you. I’ll take a taxi back myself, but heKent looked at Jason, who was beside him and was a little worried.

He was afraid that after he left, Jason would continue to frame Elaina.

Elaina shook her head. It’s fine. He doesn’t dare to come looking for trouble with you again. In the future, study hard. You don’t have to worry about anything.

Alright.Kent knew that the only thing he could do at the moment was to make Elaina not worry about him.

The best way to thank her was to study hard.

Elaina sent him to the door and watched him get into a taxi. After that, she walked back to the office and waited for Joyce to get off work. After all, Elaina had promised to accompany Joyce to go on a blind date.

As for Jason, she did not bother to worry about him. She believed that Andy could handle it.

In fact, there was nothing to do. It would be good to drive Jason away.

When Joyce came to the office, she was worried that Elaina was not going to go with her because of Kent.

But when she arrived, she found that Elaina was already waiting for her.

Elaina, is that child alright?she asked, a little worried.

Although she was not at the scene at that time, the entire hospital knew about what happened. It was difficult for her not to know.

Elaina shook her head and stood up with her bag. He’s fine. Let’s go. Didn’t we make an appointment?

It was actually a blind date. Elaina felt that it was better not to be late for the first time.

Yes,Joyce did not ask further. If Elaina said that it was fine, then it was definitely fine. Joyce just believed Elaina.

She got into Joyce’s car and left the hospital. She did not notice that Jason, who had been driven out of the hospital by Andy, had not gone far. At that moment, he was standing on the side of the road, watching the direction in which their car left.


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