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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 354

Chapter 354

That night, Elaina slept very well.

Although her waist was injured, and she occasionally felt pain, it did not affect her sleep. She still slept all the way until dawn.

The next day, when Elaina woke up, she habitually turned on her phone to watch the news.

The Stein family once again went on treading topics, but it was not a good thing. During this period of time, there were endless internal disputes in the Stein family. Monica, who suddenly showed up, disrupted everything, and made everyone overwhelmed. Moreover, Alisha hated Monica’s guts.

On the treading topics were some scandals about Monica, as well as news about the changes in the executives of the Stein Group. Elaina took a look and knew that it was the executive that Monica asked Elaina to investigate for her. He was arrested for embezzlement of public funds.

There was a lot of news, but it was all bad for the Stein Group. It seemed that the Stein family was not stable at this time.

Elaina stretched and was in a good mood early in the morning.

As for the Stein family, what had it got to do with her?

Just as Elaina had guessed, the atmosphere in the Stein family’s manor was solemn.

Monica looked at her father, Johnathon Stein, sitting at the front of the table, and realized that the stern and tall man in her memory had disappeared. At that moment, his hair was graying, and he was already old.

She did not feel the slightest bit of sadness. Instead, she felt that he had brought it upon himself.

If he had not pampered Deven from a young age and doted on him without restraint, Deven would not become such a loser.

She looked at Deven and Alisha on the right and also sneered. She did not take these two people seriously at all.

Deven was good-for-nothing. So what if Alisha was smart? Alisha was not a member of the Stein family and could not get power in the Stein Group.

As long as she could get Johnathon’s favor, the Stein family and the Stein Group would be hers.


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