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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 359

Falling For My Mysterious Wife By Cassidy Alfaro Chapter 359

When Alisha heard that Elaina did not mind, she was about to explode in anger.

She did not believe that someone would be so magnanimous…

No, it was not magnanimous at all. It was stupid.

“Yes, I don’t mind. Do you have anything else to say?” Elaina glanced at her. It would be weird if she believed Alisha’s words.

Alisha obviously had bad intentions. If Elaina believed it and broke up with Jalen after a fierce argument, Alisha would win.

The door closed and Alisha looked at the tightly closed door. She did not know what to say for a moment.

After a while, she shouted at the door, “Elaina, I know you don’t believe what I said. Then you can go and check it. When you see that woman, you will know whether I am deliberately trying to provoke you and Jalen.”

Without waiting for Elaina’s answer, Alisha had to leave, but she felt uncomfortable in her heart. She felt that her attack was powerless.

After making sure that Alisha had left, Elaina opened the door and looked at the house opposite Jalen.

There was doubt in Elaina’s heart, but she could not doubt Jalen just because of a few words from Alisha.

She sighed. Forget it, she ignored that woman.

After closing the door, Elaina prepared to continue reading, but she overestimated herself. At this moment, she could not continue reading.

Helpless, she could only put down the book and get up to leave the house.

She had to go to the police station to see what the interrogation results of Jason were.

Thinking of Jason, Elaina had a headache. How should she tell Kent about this? Would he blame her?


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