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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 372

Falling For My Mysterious Wife By Cassidy Alfaro Chapter 372

The next morning, Elaina got up and walked out of the bedroom. She smelled something good from the kitchen.

She was surprised and thought Jalen was the only one who would make breakfast for her at this


She wondered if it was him.

She walked towards the kitchen.

What surprised her was that the person in the kitchen was not Jalen, but Joyce.

“Good morning, Elaina. Breakfast is ready.” Joyce turned the burner off and walked out with the fried steak and an omelet.

The sumptuous breakfast surprised Elaina. “You can cook?”

“Yes, I can.” Joyce nodded and did not find it strange.

Elaina felt aggrieved, why does everyone in this world seem to know how to cook except me?

Grandpa, why didn’t you think of getting a chef to teach me?

Just as she sat down and was about to start eating, the doorbell rang. Joyce stood up first. “I’ll go

open it.”

The door opened, and she saw Jalen. Joyce was immediately stunned. “Mr. Halton?”

She wondered, how could Jalen come out of Elaina’s apartment? Weren’t they already divorced?

Or there is still something between them?

After Jalen saw that the person who opened the door was Joyce, he frowned. “Why are you here?”

Just as Joyce was about to explain, Elaina also came over. “I have something to talk to Joyce, so I

asked her to come over.”


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