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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 381

Chapter 381

At the door of the Halton’s residence, Jalen lit a cigarette unusually. He leaned against the car and looked up at the night sky, thinking of something.

There were footsteps from behind.

Steven was surprised to see Jalen standing at the door, but he quickly walked over, “It’s good that you haven’t left. Let’s talk about Elaina.”

Hearing that, Jalen threw the cigarette in his hand on the ground and stepped on it, “Oh? What do you want to talk about?”

“What I mean is very simple. Leave her immediately and make a clean break.” Steven seemed to be unaware of the coldness of Jalen, or perhaps he felt it, but he did not care.

Jalen did not speak but just laughed grimly.

“How can that kind of woman be worthy of your identity? She just wants your money. You can play with her, but you can’t marry her!” Steven continued.

At that moment, Steven did not know about Elaina’s background. Nitzan did not tell him, and neither did Jalen. Jalen just didn’t care about it at all.

Now Jalen’s hands, which were hanging by his side, were clenched into fists. He turned his head and looked at Steven, who was about to speak again, “That kind of woman? Isn’t Ella better than the woman who had

broken a family?”

“You’re not allowed to talk about her like that!” Steven’s expression turned angry.

“What? She’s already dead, and you’re still protecting her?” Jalen sneered, “Did I say anything wrong? You’re not a good person, and neither is she.”

Because of these two people, Jalen’s mother committed suicide. A good family was ruined, and Saul had been tortured by his father since he was young. It was the misery of two families.

All of those were caused by Steven and that dead woman. Sure enough, Jalen could not think of any nice

words when facing Steven.


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