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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Marcus was depressed in his heart. If he had known that Elaina was Jalen’s woman…

He would still do this!

After all, such a beautiful woman was rarely seen. If he didn’t get her, he was not willing to give up.

Of course, Jalen definitely could not know about these thoughts in Marcus‘ mind. Otherwise, Marcus knew he

would be beaten up again.

Marcus covered his face and told Jalen what had happened. Marcus then said sincerely, “She really isn’t with me. My people haven’t found her at all.”

Obviously, Jalen did not believe Marcus‘ words. Jalen glanced at the villa and finally looked at Marcus’s face.

Marcus‘ back suddenly broke out in a sweat. He felt like he was being watched by a snake. “Jalen, I swear I

am telling the truth!”

Jalen’s phone rang at this time. He quickly picked it up. It was unknown what the person on the other side of the line said. Jalen had already walked out of the villa.

Marcus heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this. After Jalen disappeared, Marcus immediately said, “Send

me to my dad’s place.”

Jalen was so terrifying. Marcus knew he had to find shelter.

With this in mind, Marcus had already walked towards the door.

However, just as Marcus reached the door, he was stopped by several bodyguards in black. “Mr. Lory, Mr. Halton has instructed that before he finds Elaina, you have to stay at home and not go anywhere.”

“Jalen!” Marcus gnashed his teeth in hatred, but he did not dare to go against Jalen.

On the outskirts of the city, a few cars were speeding on the road.

Jalen received a call from Graham. The surveillance over there had found clues. Elaina was indeed not

kidnapped by Marcus, but by another group of people.


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