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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86

The news, that the Dunston family went bankrupt and the Dunston Group was annexed, quickly spread throughout New York. Many people were taken aback.

Was the Dunston family that had a close relationship with Jalen damaged just like that?

After everyone recovered from the shock, they were curious about the cause. Some people said that the Dunston family had offended some big shot, and some others said that the person offended was Jalen. Anyway, people talked.

However, someone soon discovered that the Dunston Group was annexed by Theodore’s Clouds Group, which made everyone even more gossipy.

When Elaina saw the news, her expression was calm. The Dunston family originally had a lot of problems, and in addition to the materials that she provided to Theodore, no wonder the Dunston

family would have gone bankrupt.

Elaina just did not expect Theodore to take action so quickly. She had thought it would take some time.

Elaina had no time to think about it more because Joyce had knocked on the door and come in. “Dr. Gainsford, everything is ready in the operation room.”

“Okay. I will go over now.” Elaina nodded. As she spoke, she got up and walked out of her office.

Joyce followed behind Elaina and said happily, “Dr. Gainsford, since you joined this hospital, the number of surgeries at the Neurosurgery Department has increased greatly. Dr. Wood said that many patients from other states are attracted to come here for your fame.”

Joyce admired Elaina from the bottom of her heart and dreamed of becoming someone like Elaina one day.

“For doctors, saving one more person is the most important thing.” Elaina did not take fame or something as important thing, and she could not understand why Joyce was so happy either.

“You are right. Saving people is the most important thing.” Joyce nodded. They had already arrived

at the door of the operating room while talking.

After Elaina changed into her surgical gown, she saw that Joyce was still there. Elaina asked, “Anything else?”

“Well, it’s nothing, but I just want to…” Joyce hesitated, wanting to say something but not daring to say it.


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