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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 125

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Chapter One Hundred TwentyFive 

Alpha Blake 

Ryley and I walked down the stairs hand in hand after we got ready for the day. I was over the moon that she agreed to be my wife and we would be seeing our unborn pup today. With Lily still sleeping, it was up to us to protect her and the baby. She had the last month of holding on and now it was my turn

The smell of food being cooked and the bang of dishes had me shaking my head. I knew the boys must be up making a mess. We’ve been eating at the pack house or take out most days. I haven’t cooked a meal in our kitchen yet

I looked on in horror as Ryley and I walked into the kitchen. It was


Mom, how are you feeling?” Channing exclaimed, he was standing in front of the stove

I made grilled cheese,Aspen announced with a grin as he held up a plate. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so proud before

Ryley gasped letting go of my hand. I turned my attention to my pregnant fiancée to see her hand covering her mouth and tears running down her cheeks. I glanced around the kitchen, maybe I missed something

Mom, are you okay?Aspen asked, walking up to Ryley

I’m so proud of you.She cried, bringing him in for a hug. It was a sweet moment even though I was confused as hell. Was all of this over a grilled cheese sandwich

When they parted she kissed his cheek before walking for Channing, also kissing his cheek

How are you feeling?He asked her

I’m so much better.She smiled at her son

I can see that,he smiled back, pointing to her hand, and the massive rock I put on earlier this morning

She said yes,I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind. I tugged her back into my chest. She looked up at me from over her shoulder and I pecked her lips. Nothing could kill my high today

We all sat at the dining room table. Channing had cooked bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Aspen made a grilled cheese just for Ryley. Apparently, that was the first thing she taught him to cook. And it’s the only thing he can cook. But she ate the sandwich, giving my son compliments as she ate. It warmed my heart to see her so proud of him. He was beaming 

After we finished, we left the boys to clean up the mess and made our way over to the pack hospital. I was feeling anxious the closer we walked to the hospital. I should have brought her here last night when we arrived. Fuck. What if something happened

Ryley squeezed my hand, pulling me from my spiraling thoughts

Everything is fine, Blake. I haven’t had any bleeding or pain.She reassured me. I let out a breath before giving her a nod. She had done this before, but I was still worried

Dr. Perry greeted us as we entered the hospital. He rushed us back into a room, closing the door behind us

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Congratulations is in order, Luna, Alpha,he grinned

Ryley started to tremble as I helped her to sit on the exam table

I’ve had silver on me for a month and I can’t talk to my wolf,she admitted to the doctor

Have you marked her?Dr. Perry asked me. I shook my head

I didn’t want to do anything that would hurt her or the baby,I told him and he let out a chuckle

Alpha, your scent is strong on Luna. Have you heard the heart beating?He questioned and I nodded

Even under silver, Luna, your wolf is strong. I have no doubt she was making sure the silver didn’t affect the pup.He explained

Is she sleeping?He asked Ryley

She’s been snoring since Blake broke the silver off. Before that, I would hear her whimpering.She said

Like I said, she is strong. Most wolves would have been unable to hear their wolves after being suppressed by silver for that long. Now, let’s check on the baby.” He announced

Ryley laid back and lowered her leggings exposing her lower belly. I stood on the other side of the table while the doctor set up the ultrasound machine. I rested my hand on her stomach. She rested her hand on mine, the diamonds on her ring, shining bright. My eyes traced up her body before staring into her stormy eyes. Ryley was looking up at me, smiling. I leaned down, kissing her forehead, resting my forearm above her head

Alpha, you are going to have to move your hand,I pulled it away 


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