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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 131

Chapter One Hundred Thirty-One

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Chapter One Hundred Thirty-One

Alpha Blake

My meetings were finally over and now I was waiting in my office with Walter. He wanted to stay the week to help Ryley get things ready for our wedding this weekend.

I was relieved when she mindlinked me during my last meeting, telling me she missed me. These last few days have been rough. I know she felt guilty for what happened to Aiden but that’s his job. And I’m not sorry for protecting my Luna. Ryley should understand this growing up with a Luna mother. I know her father would have done anything to protect his Luna and I’m no different. I’m not losing another mate no

matter the cost.

“Did Ryley say she would be here soon?” Walter asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

“It’s been about an hour,” I replied, looking at my phone.

“Maybe she found another dress to try on,” he shrugged.

“Maybe,” I sighed.

“Now, did you two talk about anything wedding-related?” I pushed my l i p s into a line because the truth is we haven’t really spoken since the party.

“I’m going to take that face as a no.” He chuckled.

“Honestly, the most she has spoken to me since the party was an hour ago when she linked me. And I’m not going to

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Chapter One Hundred Thirty-One

apologize for trying to keep her safe.” I grumbled.

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“I understand, Blake but you can apologize for how your actions made her feel. And she’s pregnant. Her emotions are going to cloud her judgment. Her reaction may be irrational to you but seems rational to her. It’s a give-and-take. You should know this,” he told him.

“I’m a little out of practice when it comes to being in a relationship. I haven’t been in one since Mia.”

“The basics are still the same,” he chuckled and I sighed..

“I’m working on it.”

“Blake you need to get to the east exit checkpoint,” Luca mindlinked me.

“Dad, where’s mom, I can’t link her and she won’t pick up the damn phone,” Channing stormed into my office with Aspen following behind him.

“Luca you are gonna have to handle it, I need to find Ryley,” I answered him before closing the link. I tried to open one with Ryley but I couldn’t find her. My heart raced as I picked up my cell phone off my desk, calling her. It went straight to voicemail.

“Blake, it’s Ryley.”

I don’t remember how I got into my truck, all I know is the boys and Walter were with me as I sped to the east exit checkpoint. My mind was racing with scenarios. What the hell did Luca find and why can’t I link my mate? Gunner has been growling and my knuckles were white as I gripped the wheel.

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Chapter One Hundred Thirty-One

288 Vouchers

I pulled up just beyond the borders on the east checkpoint. My lungs constricted painfully as Ryley’s SUV came into view. Luca was standing close by barking orders at the warriors.

“Dad, what’s wrong? Where’s mom?” Aspen asked me from the back seat. I struggled to breathe as I got out of the truck.

I rushed over to the vehicle, smelling a scent I didn’t want to smell. Blood. And I knew it was hers. I could smell myself in it. Our baby.


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