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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 140


Alpha Blake 

The rage and guilt I felt over having a traitor overseeing my mate’s care was allconsuming. He could have killed them both and I never would have known if not for Ryley’s special ability. She doesn’t need to command to get the truth, all she needs to do is search when they leave their minds open. As long as they are pack members she can find out the truth. And I’m thankful she woke up when she did to tell me the truth about Perry

The thumping of our baby’s heart pulled my attention back to the present. After Ryley checked all the other doctors and staff, I wanted to make sure our baby was okay. I didn’t trust anything Perry had told me over the last two weeks

Babe?Ryley’s soft fingertips caressed my cheek as I watched the screen with our baby. Their heart was beating rapidly as they kicked their tiny legs

As you can see Alpha, Luna, everything with your baby is great. The pup is around twelve wolf weeks along. And even though Luna has been put under a lot of stress early on, the baby is still strong and healthy. But, please Luna, take it easy on your wolf and Alpha for a bit,the doctor chuckled

She is never leaving my sight,I growled low in my throat

I won’t leave his side. I promise,Ryley giggled as she rubbed my cheek. We both watched for a few more minutes while the doctor printed off a photo for us

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Chapter One Hundred Forty 

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After Ryley’s stomach was cleaned, I helped her sit up on the bed. She was still weak after everything that had happened and a lesser wolf would have died

Luna, I want you to go home to rest. Your body and wolf have been through so much and it’s also growing a tiny human. Don’t rush. And if you need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out. The pack is here to help with anything and everything you need. Also, I’d like to see you back here in a few days or sooner if you aren’t feeling better.She explained. We both thanked her before I scooped up my Luna. I know she was about to protest but instead, she leaned into me and rested her head on my shoulder

Babe?She mumbled against my neck causing goosebumps to cover my body as I fought the urge to shiver

I love you,she pecked my neck as I walked out of the pack hospital and towards home

I love you,I squeezed her tightly against me, breathing in her scent. The relief of having her alive, still carrying our child, was overwhelming. And I wish I could focus on her and our family right now but there is so much clean up I’ve been ignoring. And there was so much to tell her

The house was a mess when I walked Ryley through the threshold. I had hired someone to clean but with two teenagers and a father who hasn’t been home for the past two weeks, it was still a mess

Dad?I heard Aspen call out from the basement

Boys, come upstairs.My voice carried through the house

Thank you for keeping them safe,Ryley mumbled before her 

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lips brushed against mine. I shivered, squeezing her impossibly close

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I heard the boys thumping up the stairs or banging the walls. I’m not sure what they were doing as the basement door flew open and our boys rushed into the living room

Is mom,Channing’s words died as he took in his mother in 

my arms

Mom!They both rushed her as I put her down

Oh my boys,she cried as she embraced them both. I let out a sigh of relief that my family was all under the same roof again and we were all safe

Ryley reached for my hand and pulled me into the family group hug

Did you find my vehicle?Ryley squealed out from being squished

Yes, we did why?I questioned as I pulled back

Well if there’s going to be a wedding this weekend, I kind of need my dress,she giggled. My hesitation had her frowning

Unless that has changed,her voice trailed off. The boys let her go and I pulled her against me

Of course it is. More than anything. But,I sighed

But, what Blake?” 

Mom, I have to tell you something,Channing said nervously, moving back and forth on the balls of his feet. He shoved his hands in his pockets. We haven’t had time to deal with the 

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aftermath of Channing killing his father or that Dorian had killed his father and now both packs were technically Channing’s

I also didn’t want to tell her that we found Lisa and her son dead. They were both pushed into the river where she had fallen in all those years ago but they weren’t so lucky. Their bodies washed ashore a few days later. I’ve had Aiden looking into finding Lisa’s family. They didn’t deserve what Dorian did. And I know Ryley would want to honor them and make sure they are laid to rest in peace

Baby, I think you should sit,I pulled her with me to sit down on the couch next to me


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