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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 188

Book Two Chapter ThirtySix 

Future Alpha Aspen 

The only ones left of the council were the staff and most of their warriors. All the active council members were dead and now, it was time for the cleanup. But we had more important things to do. I was standing with my father as he barked orders to his men while we got ready to head back home. Mom wasn’t here and we needed more information before heading out again

Luca was with the girl that found me and I had great pleasure ripping the fucker who hurt her apart. All I saw was my sister. I would rip everyone apart who would dare hurt her like that girl

Luca, where is she?I asked when he came to stand beside me

She’s sleeping in the back seat of the truck. Poor girl has been through hell before this. She thought she was escaping but wound up in this hell,he growled

A few SUVs pulled up in front of the building and that must have been the backup Luca called in. We only needed help with the cleanup. Everything else had been handled

Alpha Phil, Beta Chris,I greeted as they stepped out

What a mess,” Alpha Phil exhaled



Book Two Chapter ThirtySix 

Ryley?Beta Chris rushed out

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She isn’t here. We did find an orphan that they were testing on. She’s a Luna wolf.I told them

Fucking monsters,” Beta Chris growled

You don’t have to worry about them. They are all dead.My father stated. He shook the alpha’s hand and then his beta’s

So, then why are we here?the alpha questioned

Cleanup. Ryley isn’t here and we don’t have time to waste. If your need anything just ask the men I’m leaving here. We need to get back to the pack so we can track her down,my father said

I’ll stay here with a few of our men to get this place cleaned up. Alpha Phil, you should head back to the pack and get more warriors ready, just in case.Beta Chris told his alpha

I can’t answer any of your questions, Alpha Phil. And we also don’t have a plan. None of your men are in danger and I would be grateful for your help here,my father told him

We will have men ready if you need us. Also, we will help clean up with mess. Go find your Luna and bring her home,he nodded to my father. He yelled out to one of the staying warriors while I gave the alpha and beta a nod before rushing to my father’s truck

I was feeling anxious about getting out of there and finding my mother and sibling



Book Two Chapter ThirtySix 

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I looked in the back seat after I climbed into the passenger seat of the truck. The girl was lying down with a blanket covering her. I wouldn’t have been able to guess her age. Maybe ten years old

A phone rang, pulling my attention from the girl to the console where my father left his phone. Looking at the screen, an unknown number flashed

Hello?I answered it. This could be a ransom for Mom and I wasn’t about to let it go to voicemail

Alpha Blake?A male voice asked

Yes,I lied

I’m glad I reached you, Alpha. I’m Beta Rory. My alpha asked me to reach out and relay a message to you,” he said

And who is your alpha?I demanded

My apologies, alpha. Alpha Titus Morrison.I didn’t hear anything after Morrison. That’s Tessa’s last name.. 

Alpha, did you hear me? We know where Luna Orion is.” 

Wait, what?I yelled

Alpha Connolly has her, alpha. We are doing everything we can to get her out safely,he said calmly

And why the hell would you help us? We don’t know each other.” 

I’m just following orders, alpha. Alpha Titas has only given me so 



Book Two Chapter ThirtySix 

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much information to share. He would speak to you himself but he is on his way there now. The plan is to get her out, quickly and quietly. After she is safe, then we will go to war with you.” 

How do you know he has my Luna?I questioned

The alpha has informates inside the pack. The alpha was sold his sister and after the death of their father, our pack is no longer an ally. His sister ran away and we have a way into the pack. We are hoping this act will align our packs and we can take down a mutual enemy.The beta stated

And how do we know this isn’t a trap?This sounded too good to be true and I refuse to give my father false hope

Tell your son, his mate is here, helping. This isn’t the only thing bringing our packs together. I will text you the airport location and I will be there to pick up you and your men. See you soon, Alpha Blake.The call ended but I couldn’t remove the phone from my ear. Mate? My mate? Does he mean Tessa? Is this Alpha Titus 

her brother

My mind was racing with questions as my father opened the door and climbed in behind the wheel

Son?His phone chimed against my ear. What happened?” 

I just got a call from a beta claiming to know where mom is,I replied

Tell me on the way and call Luca. He needs to hear this,my father ordered as he started the truck and sped away from the 



Book Two Chapter ThirtySix 

council building

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I called Luca and once he was on speaker I told them everything, including the bit about me and him saying my mate was there

So, Tessa and this Alpha Titus share the same last name?Luca asked me


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