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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 190

Book Two Chapter ThirtyEight 


I was feeling anxious as I suited up at the back of the SUV. This was an allblack mission. I also was wearing a bulletproof vest. It will at least buy me some time if a wolf comes after me

Everything else I was wearing was a special fabric to protect against wolf bites

I was less worried about myself and more worried about Luna Orion. My brother had received word that she had gone into labor. but was desperate to get out of there. There was no setting up at plan now. Sarah and I were getting ready to head out to get her under the cover of darkness

Ready?I asked my best friend as I threw a backpack over my shoulders

Let’s do this,she nodded

You’re going to need this,Titus came around the SUV and handed me a handgun. Also, my Beta has spoken to Alpha Orion. He is on his way here now.” 

I exhaled before biting my bottom lip. My stomach twisted with the thought of seeing Aspen again. The medicine the pack doctor gave me helped and I was able to keep down a meal. But it wanted to come back up with the thought of my baby’s father



Book Two Chapter ThirtyEight 

288 Vouchers 

Thanks,” I mumbled as I placed the gun in the thigh holster

I know you are anxious about seeing him again, sis, but from everything Sarah has told me, you have nothing to worry about. He’ll be mad, but he will quickly get over it.He kissed my temple before moving on to Sarah. He kissed her hard and I walked 


I needed a moment to clear my head. I was heading back into the place I escaped from. And this time, there was more at stake. My hand quickly went to my bump

I was doing this for Aspen. I repeated to myself as I took deep breaths

Come on, we need to get going,” Sarah gripped my shoulder

Be safe, sis.” 

You too.I told him before Sarah and I took off towards the 


There was a forest off the back of the packhouse. My brother had the area cleared out so we could get to the back gate and get Luna Orion out safely. I was just praying her baby would stay put until we could get her out and to a hospital

Sarah and I jogged in silence as we entered the forest. We quickly found the path that led to the back of the packhouse. It was dark and we were running by the light of the moon. We didn’t have much time, but we were constantly stopping and listening. This was hell as we had to take this slow, knowing someone was 



Book Two Chapter ThirtyEight 

desperately waiting for us

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I smirked to myself when I was able to see the castle through the trees. He was so cocky, he didn’t realize my brother could pay off his warriors. Asshat

Relief filled me as I touched the stone wall. Now to find the gate

I think its this way,” Sarah whispered and pointed to the left. We slowly walked in that direction. We couldn’t split up, so hopefully this was the way to go

Luna, I know you are in pain, but I need you to wait for the others. It’s not safe out there,I heard a woman mumbling

We are hear,” Sarah quietly called out. Open the gate.” 

I cringed when the gate creaked as it was opened

Shea, you need to come with me. He will kill you,” someone groaned

I’ll be safe. Go. It’s not much longer now.” 

I looked inside the gate to see Luna Orion clutching her bump and her breathing was forced as she gripped the wall with her other hand

We got her,I said. Sarah take the other side.” 

You must hurry. Good luck,” Shea said behind us as Sarah and I helped the Luna. The gate groaned behind us and Luna Orion let 



Book Two Chapter ThirtyEight 

out a breath

Thank you,” she cried

You can thank us once you are safe,Sarah told her

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It was slow going as Luna Orion was in full labor and could only take a few steps before she needed to stop

I know this can’t be easy, but we need to get further into the forest and away from the castle.I brushed some hair from her face. She was drenched in sweat as she groaned through another contraction

I can’t. Baby is coming and I can’t do this without Blake,she cried

Okay, I know this is going to be hard, but I need you to be quiet. Sarah, let’s lay out a blanket.I slid the backpack off

Tessa, we can’t do this here.I looked at the Luna, and her pants were soaked in blood

We don’t have a choice. This baby needs to come out now.” 

As Sarah laid out a blanket, I helped Luna out of her sweatpants. Sarah and I helped her to sit down. I moved to between her legs. and lifted the skirt of the dress she was wearing. I gagged when I saw the head crowning

I should be doing this,Sarah commented



Book Two Chapter Thirty Eight 

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Just get another blanket,I snapped. Luna Orion, with the next contraction, I need you to push.” 

You must be the Luna wolf my son is in love with,she chuckled before she groaned

Push. Push. That’s it.” I praised her

Get the scissors and the clamp,I told Sarah when she passed me the blanket

Fuck, this hurts,the luna exhaled

Almost there. Just one more big push,” I encouraged

Panic filled me when howls of angry wolves filled the silence

It’s okay, Luna. Let’s just focus on bringing your baby into the world. Now push.” 

She bore down with everything she had left and I was quick with the blanket to pull the tiny infant from their mother

It’s a boy,I looked up at the luna


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