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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 19

Chapter 19 

Flora’s top rank was beyond question. Mr. Smith had her tackle problems to see if she could solve them

Carina glanced at the problem. It’s from last year’s math competition. She had attempted it as well but only managed to answer the first part. She never solved the second part of the question

Looking at the problem on the paper Flora felt a headache coming on. She truly despised math 

She asked eamestly, Can I skip this?” 

Mr. Smith wore a look of hurt. You’ve done everyone else’s Why won’t you do mine? You’re breaking my heart.” 

The thirtysomething male teacher shamelessly acted cute, cousing Flora’s lips to twitch involuntarily before she resignedly began to work on the problem. 

Math wasn’t her strong suit, but she had a photographic memory. Any problem she had seen, she could recall and adapt solutions to similar questions on the spot 

Mr. Smith watched her solution, nodding in satisfaction. Flora’s approach might not have been the most flexible, but it was faultless. He had given this set of problems to several competition hopefuls, and very few could answer all correctly

By now, the atmosphere in the office varied

Carina and Jade were in disbelief, unable to comprehend how Flora, who seemed clueless just days ago, suddenly became a genius. It was utterly baffling

Keaton was equally astonished. Tumed out their class harbored a hidden academic prodigy

Flora, your results are genuine, and I owe you an apology for doubting you,Mr. Trevor, a very progressive person, admitted his mistake and promptly apologized to Flora 

After all, the school had discovered a genius and was eager to support her. They feared she might in a fit of pique, skip school like before

Flora nodded in acknowledgment of Mr. Trevor’s apology and then turned to Jade with a mischievous smile. I remember, Ms. Jada, you once said if I passed everything, you’d apologize to me in front of the whole school” 

Jade’s face turned beet red. She hadn’t expected Flora to actually make such a demand. She was the teacher, and Flora was a student. How could she apologize to Flora

I can’t do that!Jade said imitably 

As a teacher, you should lead by example. Ms. Jade, are you going back on your word?” 


Ms. Jade, just keep your promise. It’s just an apology, no big deal.” 

Exactly, look at how gracious Flora is. If you ever need help with problems, feel free to ask me anytime I might not be your assigned teacher, but I’m always available!” 

The teachers in the office blatantly began to court her. Who wouldn’t like a student with good grades? And Flora was not just a good student. She was a genius! She might even top the city in the national exams

They all wished they could teach Class Z and to be the teacher of a top performer

Under Mr. Trevor’s insistence, Jade finally agreed to apologize

Soon, the entire student body was swiftly gathered, displaying the efficiency reserved for star students

The students, suddenly called together, were puzzled. What could necessitate such a large-scale assembly

This is definitely because of Flora! Didn’t you hear? She audaciously stole the answers to the senior year test and even topped the grade. The school administration must be dealing with her!” 

Wow, she was top of the grade? Impressive! How did she find the answers to the senior test?” 

I want to know, too! Maybe she can get me a copy of the test so I won’t get beaten when I go home 

That idiot Flora is finally getting expelled. Class 2 will be rid of a nuisance at last! We won’t have to face ridicule anymore

The people from Class 2 said excitedly

Jennifer raised her chin, scoffing. Flora was so foolish that she was even incapable of cheating properly. Who else would actually top the grade by cheating

Flora was just asking to be expelled

Soon, Mr. Trevor and his entourage arrived. Following them was a large group of teachers and Flora


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