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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 289

Chapter 289 

Colton took a bite, his eyes lighting up with pleasure This is really good he exclaimed, savoring the tabte 

They were all of Chinese descent, but the food at Ruby Path had its own unique flair, different from what they were used to back in China As they ate, memones of their hometowns came flooding back 

Flora smiled, Of course it’s delicious. Your boss made it all himself, and the ingredients were flown in fresh” 

Colton and Lance were both stunned, suddenly unsure how to react. The boss had cooked this? They never expected to taste food made by him in their lifetime! With the boss nowhere in sight, they took the opportunity to savor a few more bites, realizing this might be a once in a lifetime chance 

The rest couldn’t help but swallow hard The head of Enforcement discreetly took a few more bites of his dinner roll. Yara’s grip on her bottle tightened. Did Connor actually cook for Flora 

Alert! The Red Scorpions are trying to hack our location!Gavin from Intelligence shouted, his mouth still halffull with a dinner roll. He quickly put his laptop on the ground and, seeing a big red exclamation mark on the screen, his face turned pale

He hastily set aside his roll and water, placed the laptop on his lap, and started working frantically to patch the vulnerabilities. The head of Enforcement and Yara crowded around him, tense and anxious 

The Red Scorpions sudden attack on their firewall aimed to uncover their location and intercept their goods. Although they weren’t afraid of the Red Scorpions, no one wanted them causing unnecessary trouble

After finishing her meal, Flora strolled over with a bottle of milk. She glanced at Gavin’s screen. He was drenched in sweat, eyes glued to the monitor. The vulnerabilities were piling up faster than he could fix them 

Flora watched for a moment before speaking up. Let me try 

Gavin, already on edge, snapped, Shut up!He was too frazzled to deal with her interference

Yara tried to be diplomatic, Ms. Flora, if you’re bored, please wait in the car. We’re dealing with something serious here.” 

Everyone shot her annoyed looks, treating her like a nuisance. Flora remained calm and unbothered by their hostility

Five minutes later, Gavin’s computer crashed. He tried to reboot it, but the screen stayed stubbomly black. Frustrated, he punched the ground twice. We’ve been breached.” 

Our locations exposed?” the head of Enforcement asked, his face darkening. With their position compromised, the Red Scorpions would be on them soon, and a fight was inevitable


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