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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34 

Ive been trying to buy Rafael’s album for ages, but despite camping out for it for weeks, I haven’t been able to snag one” 

Whenever Kaylee talked about Rafael, she, who was usually so reserved, became much more talkative. It was as if that shining. passionate young man was a beacon of light in her otherwise dull youth

Kaylee’s disappointment was palpable whenever she mentioned the album. Whenever Rafael released an album or held a concert, tickets and copies would sell out in minutes

Ordinary people stood no chance of getting them

Flora listened without much expression, leaning boredly on the table

Noticing that Flora wasn’t interested, Kaylee fell silent and returned to her seat 

Flora lay on the table and texted Connor [Sleepy

The weather was muggy and hot, making her feel more and mom drowsy 

I’m craving some rose sorbet. Would you come with me to get some?

[Lunchtime? Connor replied 

Yeah are you busy

[I’ve got time. I’ll pick you up at noon.


Around noon, Ray came by at the Stonnell residence and didn’t see Connor, He asked, Where’s Connor?” 

A servant replied respectfully, He and Ms. Flora went out for lunch.” 

Ray was taken aback. Didn’t we agree to have lunch together? Chapter 33 

Dane was not convinced, If all the girls are going, what about Flor?” 

Jennifer didn’t even want to ask Flore, but Dane and his friends had quite an influence in the class, and she felt obligated to ask, to clear it with the teacher later

With a sigh, she asked in a perfunctory manner, Flora, are you joining?” 

Leaning back in her chair and twirling her pen, Flora seemed indifferent, Not Interested” 

Alright, got IL” 

It was a clear case of exclusion

Dane’s face darkened immediately

Who cares.” Dane snorted coldly, Flora, dont be sad, if she doesn’t want to play with you, we will.” 

Flora said dryly. That’s not necessary.” 

Im not going either I can’t dance. I want to save 

e some time to focus on my studyKaylee’s voice was very


She was always invisible in class. Jennifer unemotionally acknowledged her with a Hmmand crossed her name off the list

Flora didn’t take the matter to heart. After school in the afternoon, she went to see Connor 

She had to spend more time with him. He was quite the jealous type, very insecure. If she didn’t spend enough time with him, he would start overthinking again

She had told Connor about her visit, so as si 

she got out of the car, she saw him waiting at the doorstep of his house

She smiled gently and quickened her steps, Connor” 

She ran straight into his arms. Connor, his heart melting, took her backpack and slung it over his shoulder, What do you feel like eating tonight?” 

Hmm, there are quite a few options.Flora, hooking her arm in his, listed, Grilled shrimp, grilled pork ribs, duck a l’orange” 

She had a feast in mind

The next day, when Flora arrived in the classroom, she saw the girls huddled together, passionately discussing on their phones about which dance to perform

The hottest thing right now is Rafael. Every dance he performs sets off a craze. Why don’t we do his latest, Dance of Love?” 

Ah! That would be amazing! Having the chance to perform my idol’s dance on stage, I could die happy.” 

Flora initially had no interest, but the mention of Rafael made her stop in her tracks

lanced at Jennifer’s phone unconsciously. On stage, the man wore a simple white shirt and black trousers, with an earring 

ng his ear. Eluminated by the lights, he seemed to glow entirely

His eyes closed, he lost himself in the world of dance, moving with the melody

After watching, Flora commented lightly. This dance isn’t suitable for you.” 

Her tone was mild, merely stating a fact

The girls were unhappy. Why do you say this dance isn’t suitable for us?” 

One mocked, Yeah, do you know anything about dance? You’re top of the grade, but it doesn’t mean you know everything.” 

Jennifer has been dancing for over five years. She nearly made it into the specialized class. She didn’t say this dance is not good, so why do you?” 

His dance style is melancholic and slightly sinister, filled with a sharpness born of despair, something you can’t possibly convey.” 

The girls grew impatient, Tve been a fan of Rafael for four years. How would I not know his style? If you’re not performing, don’t mess with us.” 

Flora stopped talking and returned to her seat

FloraKaylee, with a soft voice, wad holding her books. She came to consult again

Kaylee was very diligent, something Flora admired, but her grades never seemed to improve 

Kaylee couldn’t find the right method, only knew to memorize blindly 

With Flora’s patient guidance, Kaylee’s grades had already improved significantly


Chapter 33 

Flora checked the problems Kaylee got wrong and explained patiently. After the explanation, Kaylee had an epiphany and quickly 

thanked her

Just as Kaylee was about to return to her sent, Flora spoke up, Don’t worry about me. If you want to join the performance, go ahead. I don’t mind.” 

Kaylee had always been focused, but just now, she had glanced over at Jennifer’s group several times. She seemed really interested in participating

Flora continued, If you’re embarrassed, I go talk to them for you.” 

Kaylee’s eyes widened, and she shook her head vehemently, No, don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to joinit’s just, I really like Rafael.” 

At the mention of Rafael, her eyes lit up

He stomped up to Connor’s room on the second floor without anyone stopping him. Connor had ordered that Ray could freely enter any 

Including his 

Ray didn’t even bother to take off his shoes before collapsing onto the bed and rolling around a bit. His somewhat greasy face rubbed against the pillow 

As the previously tidy bed became now a mess, he grinned, satisfied. This would definitely annoy Connor, who was a neat freak

Glancing around, he noticed a sachet on the bedside table

He remembered the fragrance from the car ride the other day. He picked up the sachet between two fingers and examined it

The fabric was a bit w wom, with Flora embroidered in the bottom right comer. The scent wasn’t as strong as it had been in the car, but it 

till pleasant and refreshing

ised an eyebrow, tucked the sachet into his pocket, and left as if nothing had happened

In the cafe 

Flors was eagerly devouring her bowl of sorbet, the subtle rose fragrance bringing a cool relief that spread throughout her body. She squinted her eyes in comfort

Connor, watching her content expression, couldn’t help but smile 

Suddenly, she stretched her hand toward him Try some.” 

Holding a spoonful of sorbet toward him, she was beaming with excitement


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