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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 410

“Your order will be here soon. Please enjoy your evening,” I said to her politely.

“Running away?” she asked as her eyes narrowed at me.

She did not just say that to me…

“From what? From you?” I asked before smiling at her.

Me? Running away from her? What a joke…

“I’ve ordered my drink. Are you interested to know who I am now?” she asked.

I guess she doesn’t know that I know who she is. Knowing and caring are two separate things, though.

“I’m not sure why I should be interested but…since you did order a drink…” I said before shrugging my shoulders.

“My name is Rachael,” she stated.

“Hi, Rachael. You already know my name…I’m Natalia,” I said cheerfully as I stuck out a hand towards her across the bar counter.

Her eyes never left my face as she stared at me. In the end, she never shook my hand.


I heard Kat’s familiar voice call out my name and turned to see her standing close by with a slightly confused look on her face. It was plain to see that even she knew that something was going down between the two of us.

“I see…you’re busy. Umm…never mind,” Kat mumbled as if she was speaking to herself before she turned on her heels and walked away.

“Is there something that I can help you with, Rachael?” I asked innocently.

I wondered how much Rachael knew about my relationship with Reiner and what she thought about us. Before I found out about that, I’m not going to give anything away.

“I am Knight’s fiancée,” she stated as her eyes stared deeply into mine.

I didn’t know what she was searching for in my eyes, but I was sure that she wouldn’t find what she was looking for. No matter what, I don’t regret, and I don’t’ feel any guilt about the relationship that I have with Reiner.

“I see. It’s a coincidence meeting you here. I work as his personal secretary. He’s never told me about you before…” I replied with a trained smile on my lips.

The way she stared at me told me that she understood the implications behind my words.

“Is that all?” she asked, and I realized that she wasn’t going to play nice about all this.

Reiner – A Visit from his Fiancée 1


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