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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 411

“Natalia?” Reiner’s familiar voice answered the phone questioningly.

He knew that I was supposed to be working and I usually never called him during my work hours at the bar.

“Yes, it’s me. Umm…Kat’s birthday is coming up so I was thinking of talking about some plans with her after work so…can you pick me up like…half an hour later? I don’t want you to wait, you know…” I said as I tried to sound casual and normal.

“Sure,” Reiner replied without hesitation.

Well, that was easier than I thought. Reiner didn’t ask any questions, and everything seemed to have settled down well without issues.

“Thank you. I’ll give you a call when I’m done, is that ok?” I asked sweetly.

Reiner is supposed to be busy having dinner with a client, so I better keep this phone call short. I didn’t want to disturb him when I knew that he was still working.

“Sure,” he replied in short.

“Ok. I’ll hang up now. Good luck at dinner!” I said cheerfully and supportively.

Reiner hung up without saying anything more and I sighed in relief as I stared at the phone in my hand. Now I had time to talk with Rachael after work. Sorry, Kat, I didn’t mean to use your birthday as an excuse or anything. I also apologize silently to Reiner for not telling him the truth.

The bar closing time arrived along with a mix of emotions that I couldn’t quite understand. It was like I had been looking forward to this moment so that I could talk to Rachael, but on the other hand, I wasn’t really looking forward to it. My emotions were a big mess, and I had a hard time understanding what I felt or what I wanted.

“You can head out without me, I have something to do,” I told Kat.

Kat nodded at me and the way that she pursed her lips together tightly into a thin line told me that she was actively refraining from asking me any questions.

All the customers have left the bar already. All except for one.

“Shall we?” I said as I came to stand right next to where Rachael was seated.

“Lead the way,” she replied without hesitation as she stood up from her seat.

I could feel eyes on us as I led the way out of the bar with Rachael following after me. It was a bad idea to talk to her in the bar and I would rather we had a chat outside where I could feel the cool wind on my skin. I was sure that everyone was curious as to who she was and what she wanted with me; however, I also knew that no one would ask me any questions.

After leading the way to a quiet spot, a short distance walk from the bar, I came to a stop and turned to face Rachael. It was time that I finally found out what she really wanted to say to me.

“You wanted to talk to me?” I asked but it wasn’t really a question.

“I’m going to be straight forward about this so that we don’t waste each other’s time. I want you to stay away from Knight,” Rachael stated sternly.


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