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Go To Your Heart novel (Anna and Daniel) novel Chapter 189

Anna had a friend on the Weibo named as "Genius", today he also sent her a message, "Grace, today you got many new fans!"

Grace was Anna’s name on this microblog. This genius was a very warm-hearted person. He often advised Anna about how to get new fans.

Anna also found it quite strange how she suddenly became popular?

"Maybe due to good luck," Anna said.

"Really, how can it be just good luck. Did you pay money for it?"

"No." Anna couldn’t even think of it, from where she could get this much money. She had just started and didn’t know much about Weibo. She just daily spent a lot of time to update her Weibo.

Anna’s microblog that became so popular was just about the daily life of her and Sir. Last night, because of her mother’s behavior, she was in a bad mood, so she casually wrote a little article that was a small paragraph of 100 words, but she did not expect that this will get such a warm response.

There were many comments like "Adorable", "Sir is so nice," "Beautiful story" and many others.

Even some netizens asked her to write more.

Anna was looking at the comments and felt very happy. She stood up and said to Vanessa Cameron, "I am going to the bathroom."

"Okay." Vanessa Cameron looked at her.

Anna went outside and dialed Daniel Taylor’s number. She didn’t tell anyone about her microblog except Sir. Now she got such good news, of course, she wanted to share it with him.

Daniel Taylor answered the phone, "What’s the matter?"

"Sir…!" Anna’s voice sounded very excited. She was afraid that the students passing by could hear it. She deliberately lowered her voice, "My microblog got so many new followers!"

"Oh." Daniel Taylor’s tone sounded calm.

He thought that the efficiency of the company’s people was good. He forwarded this task in the afternoon, and in the evening he got the results.

Anna said, "It’s amazing! When I will become more popular and can earn money, I will treat you with delicious food. Sir, what would you like to eat?"


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