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Go To Your Heart novel (Anna and Daniel) novel Chapter 190

Anna raised her head and saw Alan Kevin standing in front of her and staring at the boy angrily.

The boy looked at Alan Kevin, he seemed guilty and explained, "I bumped into her, so just wants to ask that if she is okay."

"Just wanted to ask that she is okay, by pulling her this way? Don’t you have basic manners?" Alan Kevin’s tone was very rude.

The boy was wearing glasses and had acne all over his face. He looked very ugly. After Alan Kevin’s question, he didn’t say anything and quickly ran away.

After that Alan Kevin looked at Anna. "Are you ok?"

"Yes, I am fine." Anna looked at the boy who ran away and looked at Alan Kevin, "Why you are here?"

"I was just passing by and saw you being pestered." Alan Kevin looked at the direction the boy ran away and said, "I saw it and felt as if he was doing it intentionally, maybe he wants to take advantage of you."

"I don’t think so." Although Anna also had this feeling, but there was no evidence, and it was not easy to say.

Alan Kevin looked at Anna and said, "Where did you fall, is it serious?"

"Nothing." It was just a bump, not too serious.

Alan Kevin said, "If you again encounter this kind of boy again, deal with him rudely, don’t be soft-hearted."

"Hmmm." Anna responded, looked up and saw John Peter standing there and looking at her He was with Alan Kevin and also witnessed that scene. He also had some worries in his eyes.

Anna took a look at John Peter and looked away.

She didn’t want to be close to these two people. She nodded to Alan Kevin, "Thank you, I’ll go back now!"

Anna walked and rubbed her elbows. There was a bruise and it was hurting.


On the third day, at noon, Anna ate her lunch and returned to the dorm. Just after returning to the room, Vanessa Cameron stopped her. "Anna, look at the campus site."

"What?" Anna asked in bewilderment.

Vanessa Cameron quickly sent her a link.


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