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Go To Your Heart novel (Anna and Daniel) novel Chapter 191

Anna came out of the dormitory and saw Alan Kevin standing outside, there was also that boy with him that bumped into her last night.

Alan Kevin was John Peter’s friend, so he was also very popular in university. In addition, that boy beside him and Anna were in news because of last night’s affair, so the girls around the dormitory were very attentive towards them. Anna came out and the spectators’ gaze fell on her.

Anna Stark went over, "Why you came here?"

Alan Kevin looked at her and said, "I have brought this boy to you!"

"..." Anna looked at Alan Kevin, "What do you mean?"

Alan Kevin did not explain to Anna, but turned to the boy, "I heard that you and Anna are lovers."

The boy looked at Anna with a guilty heart and shook his head. "No."

"That’s what the news on the campus website says." Alan Kevin’s eyes were cold.

Alan Kevin was the eye-witness of last night’s scene. He witnessed the actual event. He was very clear about the truth.

How could he allow this misunderstanding to happen? So, he grabbed this guy and asked him to explain.

The boy also just wanted to get out of this incident, "I don’t know why there is such news."

Alan Kevin said, "Then tell me what happened last night."

"Last night..." The boy took a look at Anna and explained, "I accidentally bumped into her and then took her hand to check if she is Okay. I have nothing to do with her!"

"I don’t care what you think, but do you know who she is? She is the one whom you can’t provoke. Later, stay away from her." Alan Kevin was very arrogant and while saying this he looked like a school bully.

The boy nodded his head obediently. "Yes!"

"Why you are still standing here?" Alan Kevin also had a sharp temper and not easy to mess with.

Alan Kevin saw this news on the internet and deliberately brought this boy at the door of the dormitory. He knew by this boy’s explanation the credibility of the post on the Internet will immediately decrease.


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