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Heart Hunting novel Chapter 106

The morning gleams are warm in summer.

In Navi Company, Noel is in a good mood these days. In the early morning, he also bought a bunch of champagne roses and intended to present Poppy. He comes to her office with a whistle. Knocking at the door, he says, "Goddess, good morning!”

Without response for a while, he pushes the door open, puzzled. There is no one inside. Does his goddess not come today?

He grabs the passing secretary and asks, "Doesn’t lawyer Poppy come today?”


Noel is disappointed, looking at the roses, and leaves.

Back to his office, his assistant happens to deliver the information about Scout’s daughter to her. "Vice president, this is Aly’s personal details.”

Noel looks at the document while a glimmer of joy sparks in his eyes. He finally has an excuse to visit his goddess. Taking over the document, he pats the assistant’s shoulder. "Good job!”

He picks up the roses again and walks out with excitement.

The assistant is confused, looking at his departing figure. Where is the vice president going? Also, holding roses?

Noel drives a slutty Lamborghini to her firm in a high-profile way with the document and flowers. He walks to the reception and cast a wink at the receptionist. "Beauty, I’m here to visit lawyer Poppy.”

"Excuse me. May I have your name?” The receptionist looks at him with confuse—He wears a black shirt, a bright blue suit, and a pink striped bowknot. This style…

"I’m the vice president of the Navi Company. I’m here to send the document Lawyer Poppy asks.” He raises the paper bag in his hand.

The receptionist is startled. How awesome lawyer Poppy is. Even the vice president works for her!

After knowing his identity, she doesn’t hesitate to take him in.

Poppy sighs helplessly after seeing Noel. That is enough! He is like a sticker.

"What the hell…”

He cuts in before she finishes. "Goddess, I’m here to send the document.” He puts the document on the desk, as well as the roses. "The flowers are a gift. Do you have a vase? Let me put them in?”

"This’s the vase.” She glances at the trash can next to her.

Noel covers his heart as if he has heartache. "Goddess, it’s my sincerity. How can you throw it away?”

"Didn’t I break your heart a long time ago?”

"Ruthless, women are so ruthless!” Noel points at her with a grievance. Suddenly, he sees a vase next to the coffee table and walks over to replace the flowers.

After replacing with the roses, Noel throws the wilted flowers into the trash can with satisfaction. Then, he returns to the desk, sits opposite her directly, and begins to talk, "Aly learned dancing since she was a girl and joined a troupe after going abroad with her mother. She loves…”

Poppy glances at him impatiently. "I can read on my own!”

"I just want to discuss it with you. Unexpectedly, Scout has such a wonderful daughter, although she’s the one with his ex-wife.” Noel is a chatterbox, not shutting up at all.

Poppy closes the document impatiently. "You’ve finished your job. Still not leaving?”

"I want to keep you company!” Noel looks at her gorgeous face and sighs secretly. If he could see her face every day, he will feel content even if he doesn’t eat and have fun.

"I don’t need it. You’ll only distract me here. Leave!” Poppy orders him to leave coldly.

"Goddess, aren’t you too indifferent?” Noel feels heartbroken. He just wants to stay with his goddess for a while. Why is it so difficult?

"You want me to call the guard?” Poppy puts on a false smile.

"Well… it’s unnecessary!”

Poppy said seriously, "You’re so noisy. I’ll go to court in a few days. Piss off, if you don’t want me to lose it!”

She goes mad immediately. Noel knows she isn’t easy-going.

"Easy, easy, I go!” He leaves the office with a good temper. But he stops, when reaching the door, and makes an encouraging posture like a child. "Goddess, I trust you!”

He winks at her by the way. However, Poppy doesn’t have time to pay attention to him, thus bending her head and keeping reading the information.

Noel, being disgusted, leaves the firm and feels boring in his car. Since his goddess isn’t in his company, he doesn’t want to go back, thinking about what he can do.

He taps the steering wheel gently and thinks of Ives.

"Great write, are you available?” Noel counts on him.

"I’m composing. Busy. Don’t bother me this week. See you! Beep, beep…” Ives hangs up directly after he finishes.

Noel throws his phone away with frustration, shrugs and leans back. What’s going on? Even his best friend dislikes him!


In the Green Company, Bryant, sitting in the office, is studying the oil self-portrait Susan painted for him. In her eyes, he is so mighty and brilliant. The man in the painting looks so energetic with handsome brows and bright eyes, which beautifies his shortcomings in reality. Bryant is so delighted.

"Susan, I’ve received your oil painting.”


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