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Heart Of A Beast novel The auction


Are you a Japanese? cause I wanna get in your Japanties....


~Rina ~

"Grrrriiiiigriiii" My stupid alarm yelled again and again, I was too lazy to even turn around and shut it.

"Fuck" I cursed finally shutting it off when I look at the time I sigh in relief knowing I'v woken up early at least that means no beating for me today...and if I'm lucky! I get to eat breakfast early too.

I live in an orphanage which is out of nowhere let's just say in the middle of the forest, majority of them here are werewolves, witches, vampires and any other common creature you can think of. Even Humans.

I'm part the human rank which is the lower rank of all, we humans here are trained and sold for money to keep the orphanage running, I once asked Madam why other ranks aren't sold and she told me that because they have mate. Apparently humans don't.

Humans are sold probably use as pet, while others as servants, my fate has been decided for me, I don't know how or where I was born and hell I don't know my real parent!.

Tomorrow I'll be eighteen, I stare out of the window looking out of the forest view, few people could be spot around no doubt from the orphanage and some of the werewolves had even shifted.

Warily I stare harder trying hard not to cry, the thought of being sold and enslave by a stupid master shattering my poor heart! I can't be anyone's sex slave Ew...that's a disgusting thought but I have no choice.

I swallowed back the tears as the door of the bedroom open which I share with five other human girls who were still sleeping, lazy peeps! How could they slept through that loud alarm?

"Rina..." Madam said giving me a tight smile, the smile didn't reach her eyes, she look pretty sad and I knew why without even asking.

"Morning Madam" I bow a little as a sign of respect.

"You're ready for tomorrow's auction?"bShe asked staring at me.

"I guess not" I answered truthfully hell I'm so scared.

"You will be fine child" She touch my cheek softly then left. You will be fine she had said, how can I be fine? I'm going to be sold off tomorrow for crying out loud and on my birthday.

The day passed in a blur and around twelve we were free to eat breakfast, I match down the hall to the huge dinning hall we shared with every other ranks.

My long black hair was my shield as I walk pass crowd of people, I hate being the center of attraction bless my hair that's the only good thing I like about myself.

This made me smile forgetting my plight for a moment, I hope the monster I will be sold to doesn't demand I cut my hair I cursed yet again I won't hesitate to kill him nor myself.

I found a spot among the human rank and sat down eating quietly, I have no friends or anything but here it's better to be on your own than mingle with people. This is what we were thought.

"You don't mean it" One of the human girl beside me gasp her face stricken while the others burst out laughing.

"The beast is nothing to laugh about!" She protest this made her friends quiet and me? I was scared as fuck! Why would someone mention the beast over at breakfast just to ruin everyone's mood?

"Yes I saw his shadow then I heard a growl the beast was within the premises last night" The girl said again flipping her hair.

This shook me to the core if the beast is here as the girl had stated then he may attack us! I heard the beast feed on virgins and bless God I happen to be one! I'm so scared right now. I look around the crowded hall then sighs at least I'm not the only one afriad by what the girl just announce

Even the Madams look so scared, this might save me from the auction tomorrow.


~ Damien ~

"You have a mate" Drake had told me.


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