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Heart Of A Beast novel Chapter 16


Control your dirty thoughts kitty...they're driving me insane.....


~ Rina ~

Why does his demon cares? Living in the orphanage, demons were also present and they don't mate, they don't have soul mate I think they just simply marry whosoever they want with no connection like all the other ranks have with the person they marry.

And demons happens to be very selfish and wicked so if his demon care about me I don't know what to make of that.

"Hey easy! You have gone a little too pale" Drake chuckled trying to calm me down.

I slap his hand away. "We are still not sure about it so it doesn't matter" The thought frighten me,if the demon cares about me then...he may kill anybody who even try looking at me! Oh please I know that judging from his wolf reaction when Alpha Philip had stare at me.

If only he could keep his pervert eyes to himself then he wouldn't have gone home scared as a mouse, an Alpha for God's sake but I feel they couldn't help it. Damien happens to be the most powerful Alpha alive judging by what the councils said.

"There's only one way to find out" Drake said seriously.

Lost in my thoughts I was glad he finally spoke up,not having the slight idea about what he was talking about I did as instructed and held my hand.

The next thing Drake cut me with a knife,I cried out when I saw my blood wondering why he did that, then the next minute a loud growl sounded from outside and the door was yank away,well not opened or kick like any angry person would,in fact he remove the entire door and throw it away.

I flinch in fear hurrying behind Drake, Damien grab Drake by the throat, I risk looking at him in the eyes and I saw his eyes changing from blue to red. Just so you know Damien eyes are the purest blue.

I could see he was fighting against the demon who's threatening to take control of him.

"How dare you" His fangs dig deeper into Drake shoulder,I knew he was gonna kill him if I don't do something.

I grab his other hand,he flinch at first seeing I was the one, I slowly started to crease his hand.

"Please...let him go...for me" I whispered scared to death.

Almost immediately he release him and his eyes changed back to normal,I wasn't aware of the tears coming down my face,Damien swept me up in a passionate embrace kissing my head, eyes, nose, then my mouth, I smile into the kiss I have never really seen him this way and I giggled out.

He pull back frowning then glance at my hand, his eyes went to black seeing the blood.

"Shhh...it okay. I'm okay" I press a kiss to the corner of his mouth.

"What the hell was that for!" He yelled at Drake who had manage to drag himself up and nursing his wounds.

"You should be asking me how I'm doing! Damn! Calm those beast in you. You could have killed me" Drake hissed at him.

"Well you ask for it" Damien snarled back.

"Damien?" Daniel call walking into the room,he stop and stare at all three of us.

"Yes? The one with the better sense" Damien answered which made Drake snorted and Daniel just chuckled clearly assumed.

"I think something my calm you down and maybe cheer you up. We found a spy within the premises, a rogue sent by the councils" Daniel said cheerfully.


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