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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 424

Chapter 424 

Jared had nothing to do with this, and he shouldn’t be dragged into it

However, Agnes knew that she would become enemies with Alyssa in the future, and the relationship with the Whitfield family would deteriorate. Rather than having their marriage suffer, it’s better to end things amicably now

However, Agnes couldn’t let go as easily as she thought she could

These past few days, she felt like she was living in a dream

The pain deep within her was a harsh reminder that she was still alive

Agnes was mindlessly holding her phone

Suddenly, her phone started vibrating again

Agnes checked, it was Laura

Agnes frowned and answered the call

Agnes, your dad’s had an accident, he crashed into a guard rail on the highway. He’s at Hope Hospital, get over here now!” 

Agnes froze for a second

Then, she quickly got up and went to Hope Hospital

At the emergency room entrance were Laura and Beatrice

The moment Beatrice saw Agnes, she started blaming her, Agnes, you bring bad luck. If you hadn’t stressed dad out, he wouldn’t have been drunk driving. If anything happens to dad, it’s all on you.” 

Agnes ignored Beatrice

She walked/straight up to Laura, What happened? How did dad get into an accident?” 

Laura, crying, said, I don’t know, he went out for a meeting today. I have no idea how much he drank. He drove back himself at noon and had a car accident on the highway.” 

Upon finishing, Laura started sobbing, Preston, how could you be so heartless? If something happens to you, we’ll be left alone. And what about Starlight International Group’s huge debt?” 

Don’t cry. Dad’s not dead,” Agnes said coldly

But Agnes felt her heart trembling


She looked at the closed door of the rescue room and the red light indicating that the rescue was in progress

She felt like she was being strangled, she couldn’t breathe

Years ago, her mother was rushed into the rescue room and never woke up again

It felt like history was repeating itself

The smell of disinfectant enveloped her

She felt like her blood was getting colder

Agnes stood at the door, while Beatrice continued to blame her

But Agnes didn’t hear a word Beatrice was saying

All her attention was on that door

Agnes closed her eyes, clasped her hands and prayed for a not so cruel outcome

Even though she couldn’t forgive Preston, he was still her father


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