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Her Majesty novel Chapter 53

In our deadlock, my mobile phone rang again. I picked up it and found it was Secretary Liu, I immediately went out to answer the phone.

Secretary Liu's voice sounded a little panic, “Justin, did you go to Anna Mills? Calm down. The girl has a strong background who cannot be offended!"

Fuck, I was stunned as if I was hit by a bar. What was going on?

I swallowed hard and said, “Who is she? Can you tell me more?"

"It can be said clearly. Just remember Mayor Chang also didn't want to offend her. She opened that newspaper office is for fun. You may not have the ability to settle that thing, just let it be. Wait until everybody forgets it!" Secretary Liu's words were quite confusing.

I understood that this mysterious Anna Mills was a person that Mayor Chang cannot offend. No wonder she was so arrogant, it turned out that she was powerful!

John told us to Anna Mills, defaming our innocence was just a prelude.

He was harsh!

At the thought of Ben’s temper, I shouted and immediately rushed into the office. Fortunately, Ben was sitting on the sofa. Anna Mills was calling someone, holding the phone, with a blue face.

I picked up Ben and was about to leave before saying to Anna Mills said hello, “Chief Editor Mills, sorry to disturb you. We are leaving, but you really wronged us about this matter. Someone deliberately designed it to frame us.

I pulled Ben to leave after saying that.

Anna put down the phone slowly, scolding, “You better run."

As soon as we ran down the stairs, we saw two thin, grim-faced men hurrying to the third floor.

One of them looked at me, and I felt that his glance was like the blade of a knife. It just made me cold.

There was only one person I had seen such a keen look, and that was Sabina, which had disappeared for days.

I took Ben to the car and then drove the car to leave. Ben asked in dissatisfaction, “Justin, what is wrong with you? Why did we run away before the negotiation was over? The girl is arrogant, we need to deal with her!"

I explained, “We went into trouble. Secretary Liu said the girl has a strong background who Mayor Chang dared not to offend, and said we should put up with this matter and don't provoke that girl."

Ben calmed down, touched the stubble of chin and said, “So we should put this thing behind?"

I helplessly said, “There is no other way. John was so cunning that he hit us hard this time."

Ben said angrily, “He should be careful, otherwise I will bring him them by one hit."

We returned to the villa in disgrace. We were ashamed to say that we were scared so we escaped in the face of the men. We designated them to be site supervisor.

Chapter 53 Go Low 1


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