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Her Majesty novel Chapter 54

In the afternoon, I looked at my phone and the news was deleted.

I was indescribably happy was not disgusted about this mysterious Anna.

I told the news to Secretary Liu at the first time. Secretary Liu thought for a while and laughed and said, “You are lucky. This girl was very bossy when she was in the capital.”

I knew better about Anna Mills, but I did not understand why such a person came to S City. Was she here for Jacob Jiang?

But it was not my turn to worry about the power. I'd better mind my own business.

I was in a good mood to solve the matter, decided to go to the site. After all, we spent a lot of effort for it. A few days ago we were busy and did not have to look carefully. Now Ben’s people were there, I should be there too.

When I arrived at the construction site, the site was full of dust. The inside was pasted with waste cement, the outside has begun to dig a drainage ditch to lay the foundation. It was lively and everywhere.

I saw Ben wearing a hard hat and talking with a tall and thin man. See them wearing a helmet, I wanted to find one. After a while, I saw a man next to a blender, so I came to him.

"Master, you are smoking?" I asked enthusiastically.

The master did not know that I was the big boss, looked at me and asked, "Who introduced you here, isn't it Michael? Have you done all this work before?"

I was so happy that I was treated as a temporary worker. Maybe it was because I came out wearing an old coat.

I smiled and said, “Yes, Michael is my uncle. It is my first day to work. Please arrange a job for me.”

The master pressed his mouth, said with a face of disdain, “This is close to the end of work, why are you here now? Do you want to have half a day wages? Don't talk nonsense. Do you see that pile of sand? Go there to load it on the car. You got nothing if it is not enough for three cars."

I rubbed my hands and said, “Master, can you give me a helmet? Aren't there requirements for the construction site?”

Old master stared at me, “What are you talking so much? What kind of helmet do you need when you're not working up there? Get to work!”

At this moment, one of Ben’s men came over from the other side and saw me at once. He shouted out, “Justin!", then quickly ran up to me and asked with a smile, "Justin, what are you doing?"

I smiled, “I have nothing to do and I came here to have a look. Are you Calvin?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I am Calvin. I usually seldom talk since the time I follow Ben was short. I did not expect you incredibly remember my name." Calvin's face unexpectedly showed a surprised look, the eyes actually have some kind of worship.

This look made me embarrassed. I quickly took out a cigarette and handed him, “Take a smoke."

Calvin lit my cigarette before lighting his own. The old master was surprised to learn that Calvin knew me and showed respect to me, he stammered, “Calvin, Calvin, who is this?"

Chapter 54 Site Inspection 1

Chapter 54 Site Inspection 2


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