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Her Revenge Returns (Lea and Alfred) novel Chapter 341

Chapter 341 

The door directly faced the corridor, and Lea and her group could clearly see the scene inside

The heavy curtains were drawn tightly, casting the vast office into dim, oppressive shadows, creating an intense and almost surreal atmosphere

A young girl in a floral dress, holding a crystal glass rabbit cup, was covered in blood and crying hysterically. I killed them. I killed them” 

Blood was still dripping from the crystal glass

At her feet lay three corpses, blood pooling around them, still warm

Spitfire, it’s okay. You didn’t kill them. I did,a man in his late thirties reassured her

He had a short beard, slightly long hair tied back at the nape of his neck, and his bronzed skin radiated strength. Even under his gray shirt, his powerful muscles were evident

He had a rugged and robust appearance, with chiseled features and an air of both intelligence and strength

No, it was me. They had already confessed, but I still attacked them and killed them. I’m just a crazy person with no self- control. I should be locked up in a mental hospital. Ishe said


Overcome by violent and frantic emotions with no outlet, she suddenly smashed her most cherished glass cup onto the floor, shattering it into pieces

A formidable power surged within her frail and petite body

Spitfire. SpitfireBrian, fearing she might harm herself, forcefully held her in his arms

Vincent, along with two of his subordinates, stood to the side, unsure of what to do

The door burst open, and Craig advanced with his gun aimed. Vincent instinctively grabbed a bloodstained baseball bat but froze when he realized it was one of their own

Brian! Spitfire!Quicksilver rushed in and embraced them both You’re okay? Thank God.” 

Quicksilver had fled, and upon seeing the blood at the door, smelling the iron scent, and noticing the signs of a struggle, he feared they had arrived too late

Lea and Alfred exchanged a glance, signaling Luke and Craig to stay outside while they stepped inside

Hi, Miss Berry,Vincent lowered the baseball bat and came forward to greet her. He glanced at Lea and then at the two people still holding each other, focusing mainly on the man, unable to hide his shock

When Vincent and his men arrived, the three attackers had already been taken down by the man, who had interrogated them. The sight of the three men, bleeding profusely and writhing in agony, was horrifying

However, the frightened and fragile girl suddenly grabbed her cup and smashed all three of their heads

Vincent didn’t think much of the girl’s actions. She seemed to have been triggered and had a breakdown.. 

But the man… 

In Iverton, this was the first time Vincent had encountered someone so formidable



Chapter 341 

A few exchanged glances, and Lea immediately understood what Vincent meant

You should leave for now. This was a matter for the Union. They weren’t members, just brought in to help, so it was natural for th 

to be excused when discussing such matters

Understood, Miss Berry Vincent led his subordinates out, joining Luke and the others outside to stand guard

Inside the room, only the three from the base remained, along with Lea and Alfred, five people in total

By this time. Brian had already let go of Spitfire, handing her over to Quicksilver. He greeted Lea with a warm and genuine xmile Lady, you’re here!” 

Ever since Lea first met Quicksilver, he had addressed her as Lady, a name that everyone in the Union continued to use. It was her codename

We’ve been talking about getting together for a meal, you and Shannon, so everyone could meet. I didn’t expect our first meeting to be like this,Brian said, clearly uncomfortable with her seeing this side of him

Had it not been for the gruesome scene before her, and knowing he was responsible, Lea might have mistaken him for just a straightforward and sincere man

He was indeed straightforward and sincere, but also brutal and lethal

Lea nodded, her smile gentle yet unfathomable

Brian’s heart sank. He felt as if she could see right through him, making him nervous 

Lea, in her midheeled leather ankle boots, walked over to Spitfire

As she passed Brian, her gaze lingered on him for a few seconds before she approached Quicksilver and Spitfire. She poured a cup of hot water and handed it to the young girl, glancing at the corpses on the floor. You did well. These people came to kill us. If they hadn’t died, it would have been one of us lying there instead.” 

Before she had crossed over, Lea had brought countless benefits to Milton, Abigail, Matilda, and Helen

She had completely devoted herself to making Milton’s success possible

She had cured Abigail’s cancer, giving her a second chance at life

She had helped Matilda and her daughter, along with those around them, ascend to high society, gaining both fame and fortune, and enjoying endless wealth

Yet, they had drained every bit of value from her, seized everything she had, murdered the people she loved most, and tortured her to death in the cruelest way possible

When it came to enemies, especially those who sought to take her life, there was no such thing as going too far

As soon as Lea walked in, she noticed that Spitfire was suffering from bipolar disorder, and it had already reached a severe midtolate stage

Spitfire had just had an episode and was still in the midst of it

Lea’s words could help ease Spitfire’s guilt and soothe her agitated emotions

Indeed, as she sat in her pretty pink chair, holding the cup of hot water Lea had handed her, Spitfire suddenly looked up at 

her. Lea?” 

She was both surprised and touched



The Dark thing was resided two years ago by the hacker Quicksilver. Alongside him, he had a fellow hacker named Quicksilver and a deactive named Janas, both of whom had been operating overseas


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