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Her Revenge Returns (Lea and Alfred) novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47 

Please, let me go, let go of my child?Janice pleaded, her hands instinctively protecting her stomach, though it was too big to hold 

But the bodyguards stepped on her stomach, and the pain surged

Her kid was hurting too, squirming like crazy inside her. She could feel his little hands waving, his feet kicking, his head tucked in

She was scared, heartbroken, and full of regret 

Matilda, I messed up! I’m begging you, please let me and my child go Janice admitted her mistake, pleading from the bottom of her heart

My kid’s fully grown, he’s in agony! He’s innocent, it’s all on me. Whatever you want me to do, just let him got Please, I’m begging you.” 

Matilda just stood there, her grim expression underscored by a smirk of sheer satisfaction as she watched Janice squirm under her control

Let her go! And the baby too! If the tables are turned and it is me begging, would she have shown any merry? Highly unlikely, she thought bitterly

Janice looked a mess, all pathetic and small. But would anyone even bother to look her way, considering her mistress status! Matilda was just plain disgusted 

Janice knew begging Matilda was pointless, so she turned to Ewan. Ewan, please, save me. Save your son” 

Matilda!Ewan pleaded, tears streaming down his bloodshot eyes. Please, make it stop. The baby is innocent, it’s all on me. Let the child go

EwanMatilda snapped, cutting him off. You know what? Today, just to steady Berry Group’s stock, Fraley family dropped over 1.4 billion dollars” 

That was not even counting all the behindthescenes stutt 

The funds came from Nixon’s wheeling and dealing with the big bankers, and the interest rates on them are through the roof, costing another 

I’ve got most of Berry Group’s stocks in my pocket right now,Matilda continued. And you know about Christian.” 

If you dare speak another word. I make sure you regret it. I’ll break you so thoroughly you’ll wish you had nothing,she threatened menacingly 

Ewan’s jaw tightened, a mix of fear and resignation in his eyes. Christian had made it explicitly clear from the day be married Matilda no affairs, no illegitimate children. He had made countless promises, all broken, leading to numerous hidden affairs and secret abortions

Ewan had once naively tried to challenge this arrangement by exposing his affairs to Christian, only for the outcomes to be devastatingly swept under the rug, the women and the pregnancies crused from their lives

So Chrisuan’s loyalty was to Maulda, not to him. Ewan knew even if Matilda were to cripple him, Christian wouldn’t so much as blink

Faced with the unyielding figure of Matilda and her almost robotic bodyguards, Ewan finally bowed his head in defeat Washout her wealth, he wouldn’t stand a chance outside the walls of his gilded cage.. 

Janice was in agony, her whole body hurting, but she was still clearheaded

No way! It is all bullshit. How could Marilda kick out the only male heir in the Berry Family with nothing? she thought bitterly

Another brutal hit to her stomach sent a surge of pain through her, as blood mixed with amniotic fluid poured out Janice’s heart dropped as she desperately looked to Ewan, their child’s only chance for salvation

Ewan, please, stop themthe baby. Janice gasped, her voice fading fast

He’s your son! You were just playing with ham last night, be responded to you, felt your touch,” she pleaded, each word a struggle as she fought through the pain. You’ve talked to him, he knows you. He knows you’re his father. He’s been alive, feeling everything for over six months now. He’s in agony, crying out for you, his father. You know this, you must know..” 

Before she realized, Janice’s voice had faded, her breathing shallow 

Ewan looked at her, covered in blood, with a pool of fluids beneath her. Her oncebig belly now shrunk 

The bodyguards kept at it, hitting Janice’s belly and waist, landing blows on both her and the kid inside her

Ewan, Ewan.Janice’s voice broke with desperation. The baby’s not moving. I can’t feel him anymore……. I just can’t” 

Unable to hear the sight any longer, Ewan turned away, his hands covering his 

g his face as tears stredned down unchecked. He adored that child, had dream for his future, but felt utterly powerless to protect him 

Janice stared at his back, her eyes wide with pleading, unable to speak anymore

Chapter 47 

This is the man I have entrusted my life with, the man I have believed in, and now he stood there, too frightened to save his own sona coward, a selfish ghost, she thought bitterly 

Janice was filled with regret, so profound and piercing. Then, she was at death’s door, not fighting anymore

The bodyguards stopped

Matilda looked at Janice on the ground with disgust. Her desperate, regretful gaze gave Matilda some twisted satisfaction 

This bitch thought she could screw around with my marriage and replace my daughter in the Berry clan by popping out a kid? This is what she gets Matilda cursed internally

She glanced at Ewan again, still unable to face her. She sneered, then ordered the bodyguards. Son it out properly. No mess left behind.” 

Sure. Ma’amThe bodyguards nodded

Matilda turned and strutted towards her red Bentley, clearly selfsatisfied, swaying with every step

Max opened the car door for Matilda, and she hopped in. The driver revved the engine and they took off

Meanwhile, the bodyguards left behind called for an ambulance, Janice had to be saved; if she died, it would be blamed on Matilda, and that was a nogo. As for the child, covering up the miscarriage was surprisingly simple for them

Others were busy erasing the nearby surveillance footage. If any of it leaked online, it would be a disaster for Matilda’s image, and that simply couldn’t happen

Back at the Berry Mansion, Lea’s eyes widened in shock as she watched the surveillance footage on her laptop. Matilda had actually caused Janice to miscarry

Having been through childbirth herself, Lea couldn’t stomach this kind of cruelty. Her fingers grew icy as she watched

She was tracking Maulda’s car through the urban transport system and saw the whole scene unfold

A notification popped up on her laptop, telling that someone was trying to delete the surveillance data from the villa area

Without missing a beat, she captured a screenshot of her recording and uploaded the video online, titling it. Wife Beats Mistress Causing Miscarriage at Seven Months” 


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