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Her Revenge Returns (Lea and Alfred) novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48 

Night had fallen, and Matilda was enjoying a

rare moment of peace in the back of her red Bentley, cruising down the highway towards downtown

Mrs. Berry, we’ve got trouble! Max said, thrusting a tablet into her hands, his voice tinged with panic

Her eyes flew open, radiating intensity. Ever since Christian’s birthday party last week, it had been one disaster after another, some threatening their very lives. So the mere mention of Troublehad her on edge

It’s about Miss HelenMax’s voice faltered

Matilda grabbed the tablet and was immediately hit with a trending headline screaming, Scandal Between Helen Berry and the Directors

Right beneath the trend about Berry Group’s Stock Surge, another headline caught her eye. Murder Rumors Involving Helen” 

Her hand trembled as she tapped on the link, and that video played

Her heart skipped a heat seeing Helen on the screen. Matilda sucked in a breath and dialed a mimber quickly

Nixon, Helen’s video weren’t you supposed to have scrubbed all this shit from the net? Why the hell is it trending again?she demanded

Just when she thought this mess was cleaned up, with money and effort poured into silencing it, it resurfaced, casting Helen into the unforgiving spotlight once more

The consequences were unimaginable

Trending What the hell are you talking about? Nixon sounded clueless on the other end. He was swamped with hospital duties and out of the loop

Nixon, if Helen gets hurt, you’re fucked. Remember thatMatilda snapped, her voice icecold

She had invested everything to protect Helen, giving Nixon whatever he needed to deal with the mess. He had promised her he would handle it But he didn’t make it 

Look, Matilda, I care about Helen as much as you do. I’m on it. I swearNixon reassured her quickly

Pull that headline now and clean up this mess tonight?she demanded, her tone booking no argument, and then she hung up, cutting the call short

In his office at Fraley Hospital, Nixon swiped through his tablet, reviewing the trending topics. His expression darkened as he made another call

Why the hell is that video still up? Are you guys trying to get fired His voice was icy, slicing through the media company on the other end

The director stammered. Mr. Donovan, we’ve had our hackers on it, but the video’s encryption is toughtopnotch security. We haven’t cracked in yet. But we have found that the source is an overseas site. They’re damn good. We’re on in, but it’s a tough nut to crack.” 

Nixon was taken aback. Fraley Medical was a leader in tech, employing the best hackers in Vaporleon City. Yet, the opposition seemed even more formidable. There was now a blatant smear campaign targeting Helen and Matilda

ad this

He couldn’t firgue out who was behind 

Handle this now, immediately!Nixon barked into the phone, then quickly briefed Matilda on the situation

Could it be Lea?Matilda’s face tensed, her voice shaky. – 

That kid?Nixon’s tone dripped with disdain

Lea was a prodigy who had developed a sophisticated AI, but it was built on Berry Group’s tech and supported by their veteran researchers. They’d even enlisted a worldclass international Al team to adapt it for medical applications. In Nixon’s view, Lea was still just a talented kid, overly reliant on others, hardly someone who could fend for herself. But Matilda’s concern inade him take note

Isn’t she supposed to be under your watch?’ he prodded

Matilda paused, weighing her thoughts carefully, then exhaled slowly. Il tighten surveillance on Lea. You need to clean up this online mess immediately. Find out who’s behind this video. I want them gonevanished!” 

Sening an opportunity, Matilda ended the call swiftly, switched devices, and dialed another number, her eyes flashing with resolve

What’s Lea

up to now

Doing homeworks, studying for the SAT examTM 

5.11 PM 

Chapter 48 

As they spoke, a photo was sentLea at her desk, papers and books strewn about. The test paper was in clear view

Matilda smirked. Still dreaming of Conrad University, huhShe mused, then returned the phone to her ear. Keep

a close watch on her Alert me immediately if anything seems of 

Yes, Mrs. Berry,the man replied

In Lea’s room on the second floor of the Berry Mansion, a window popped up on her computera screenshot from a hidden camera outside her window. Matilda had placed a few before, but Lea’s servants kept finding and removing them. Only this one remained, slyly hidden behind a muutain, capturing just a comer of her desk

Matilda thought she was cunning, but she underestimated Lea, who had her own secrets and skills, unbeknownst to anyone else

Just as Matilda ended the call her phone rang again. It was Shawn, and she answered with a frown

Ms. Fraley, I need 100 million immediately. I have to leave the country!Shawn shouted

Matilda’s jaw dropped 100 million dollars?” 

It’s not a lot, Ms. Fraley. Im not asking for the moon. Just what’s needed for your daughter’s sake. Can you expedite the transfer?Shawn’s urgency bled through the phone. Ill also take Mr. Jensen with me, no loose ends.” 

Matilda was seething. Aside from her family’s enormous wealth

had married into billions

However, to stabilize Berry Group’s stock, she had liquidated her assetsmansions, jewelry, carsall sold. Now she was billions in debt, with interest piling up by the millions daily. She couldn’t believe he was asking for 100 million 

What the hell is going on? Why the sudden need to flee?she asked

Helen’s video’s surfaced again, it’s all over the news, and now we’re getting sued!Shawn shouted

Sued Matila questioned

Yeah, it’s a big deal. If I get caught, I can’t guarantee Helen’s secrets stay buried. You need to send that money, fast he urged

Matilda was overwhelmed. If Shawn spilled the beans about Christian’s birthday party, both her and Helen’s reputations would be ruined

She had already spent a fortune making those two take the fall for her daughter, arranging for them to lay low abroad, hoping people would forger Hoever, they were deeply embedded in the entertainment industry, controlling companies, investing in films and TV shows, and signing dual contracts with artists. Breaking away from these ties would be complicated

Her media company, alongside Nixon, was already in the works to acquire all that. She had previously ensured they were wellcompensated. Now they want another 100 million? Even if 1 have it, i wouldn’t send it she thought

I gotta hit the airport now. When am I getting that money? Just book me a flight, alright? Doesn’t the Berry family have a private jet or something?Shawn exclaimed 

Matilda was seething with rage as Shawn’s demands escalated. Yeah, the Berrys have a jet, but it’s not like it’s ready to jer off just because you snapped your fucking fingers. He is really overstepping now, she thought 

You figure out your own escape plan, I’ll handle the financesMatilda stated

Matilda, if I knew what to do, I wouldn’t be on the phone with you,he interrupted impatiently. Just send the monry and get me on any flight- private or commercial I don’t care, just make it happen now.” 


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