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Her Revenge Returns (Lea and Alfred) novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49 

The news spread like wildfire, with local celebrities speaking out against Shawn and his group. It was all over the internet, with people rallying to clean up the entertainment industry from scum like him

Most people were optimistic, betting that Shawn was done for this time. After all, he wasn’t just tangling with lowtier celebs anymore he was up against the Berry family, the top dogs of Vaporleon City. They weren’t about to let this slide

Everyone assumed those arrested had crossed the Berry family, which only added to the storm 

Matilda was livid as she watched the trending unfold online. These idiots dragging Helen into their messt Find out who is behind this and shut them down 

Max knew the whole story and seemed battled. But, Mrs. Berry

not just a few celebs, everyone online is echoing the same sentiments,he said

He understood even if Matilda had clout in Vaporlean City, she couldn’t sway Iverton, much less the entire country or 

untry or international opinion. So, Strongarming the media was furile 

With reposts from many wellknown celebrities and discussions among netizens, the topic shot up the trending rankings once again

Matilda immediately called her media team, her voice tight with frustration. Get Helen off those trending lists now!” 


Berry, we’ve tried repeatedlyher team responded. Every time we pull it down, it shoots right back up. We control the local media, but we can’t manage the narrative beyond that.” 

Matilda suspected someone was using he 

Matilda suspected someone was using Helen to target Shawn and his crew. Now, Helen’s ruined reputation was public knowledge, and there was nothing Matilda could do about it

Keep trying! What am I paying you for? You’re all useless!she snapped, slamming down 


phone in a rage

On the other end, media executives, gathered in their office, were seething. They were paid well but no amount of money could give them control over a erisay that their client had sparked, yet she blamed them entirely

Resentment was brewing among them

Inside the car, Matilda had never felt so deleated 

to manipulate these things for 

The topic had exploded in popularity because someone had intentionally pushed it, and those in showbiz knew how to man better than she ever could 

Shawn was in big trouble

Shawn was toast. The situation with Helen seemed manageableat least Matilda could make the allegation that he had assaulted Helen. And thes there was no way that people would believe Shawn now, branded as a rapist 

But the price would be a heavy one. The entire work was aware of Helen’s tarnished reputation

Matilda was livid. Lea. It is all because of you. I’m gonna make you pay

The scandal surrounding Shawn was intensifying. Is it directed at me! She pondered for a moment and concluded it wasn’t. She thought if it were really aimed at her, there was no need to stir up the entire entertainment industry

She wondered agam. Right now, the only fool brazen enough to challenge me is Lea. But she lacks the clout for such a stunt 

Matilda wasted no time; she immediately called Nixon, instructing him to pull the plug on their deal with Shawn’s company

Nixon was already on top of it, but the stakes were highthey had already shelled out hundreds of millions in cash, along with numerous film and TV rights and artist contracts, to their newly established media company, all to make Shawn take the fall 

Shawn owned 31% of

Star Entertainment and had been manipulating the shares for days. Nixon hurried to make calls to the key players

Mr. Donovan, the shares have been transferred to the subsidiary, someone reported

That news hit Nixon like a ton of bricks. The shares were now not only worthless but could potentially drown him in massive debt

He had maxed out his loans with the bank earlier that day; any more linancial bleed and bankruptcy was a stone’s throw away. With Fraley Medical and Matilda also in the mix, it was a tangled mess. If one thing went wrong, they’d all be screwed

Send those goddamn shares back!Nixon demanded

Chapter 49 

Mr. Donovan, reaching out to Shawn now might be pointless,” came the bleak response

Get the lawyers. We’re suing his ass for fraud Nixon shouted, determined to pin the blame on Shawn and Star Entertainment. It might not get their money back, but it would stop the financial bleerling 

Should we loop in Ms. Fraley?the worker asked 

Forget it. Just get it done. he barked back

Nixon knew Matilda could be irrationally emotional, especially about anything concerning Helen. She’d go to the ends of the earth for her daughter, damn the consequences, But this time, they couldn’t afford to lose. They were in full damage control mode. Nixon was determined to make decisions first and explain later

Got it came the response

Meanwhile, at the old house, Lea watched from her laptop as Shawn was arrested from multiple angles

A few other windows on her screen showed live feeds of Chandler at the Purple Gold Club, supposedly interviewing lead actresses for a new TV show. But the moment news of Shawn’s arrest broke, Chandler freaked out and made a run for it

Just as he bolted outside, sirens blared. Shawn was caught, and Chandler had no chance to escape. Panicstricken, he dashed across the street

Out of the blue, a truck came barreling down the road. In an instant, Chandler was hit, thrown into the middle of the road, and then brutally run over by the truck that couldn’t stop in time

Lea squinted at the screen, watching as he was taken away in an ambulance


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